
Sep 13, 2007 23:04

i met up with my sister after school in our favorite second hand clothing store aka 'ukay-ukay'  [from the word hukay which means 'to dig'..but we don't literally dig clothes in this store]. you know how itchy i am to buy new clothes since the last time i splurged on these things were on the day before my birthday which is about 4 months ago already. i kept on taking every single thing that i liked and ended up buying ELEVEN!XDDDDDDDDDDDD i wanted to buy more but my sister stopped me because she's the one who's going to pay for everything {HOORAY FOR SISTERS WITH JOBS!!!].so originally, i was supposed to buy FIFTEEN!XDD i had to choose the best ones that i like and put back the other stuff that are less pretty.

and guess how much we spent purchasing the eleven clothes i bought?

Php 440.00 / $ 9.45 !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

usually, the clothes that we buy costs around Php 700-1,300 / $ 15-28 so we really save lots! my sister's the only one who likes buying from expensive stores. almost all my clothes are from ukay-ukays, or 168[but ukay-ukay's still cheaper than 168] which is a haven for shopaholics like me!

mind you, those weren't all just simple tops. i had 3 jeans, a dress, lotsa jackets and lotsa tees! i wanted to buy some shoes too but my sister told me that she'll just buy me new ones.after the quick shopping, we bought roasted chicken for our parents and my li'l brother.yum yum yum!!!

my dad's 50th bday is coming up and my mom with their friends are organizing a surprise bday party for him.HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!!

edit: there's a cheering competition in our school so teams have been practicing all over the campus. i heard one team's cheering music and was surprised to hear ARASHI.XDDD omg, arashi = cheering ???? and you know what song? KITTO DAIJOUBU.XDDDDDD even if i wanted to include my fandom in our team's cheering music [the team asked me to blend the songs for them], i didn't. the songs were all techno and fast like whoaaaaaaaaaa! i hope our team wins tomorrow!

ukay-ukay, 168, arashi, papa, chicken, birthday, shopping, yehey, food, cheering, i love clothes

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