birthday part 2

May 12, 2007 18:44

im dead tired.seriously.

me and my sister went shopping today and man did i shop.XD i only brought a little amount of the birthday money my dad gave to me that was left after he bought my laptop, which i have to wait for for 2 months.TT__TT

i had to buy this the minute i saw it. i've been looking for a siliar one since last month but i the ones that i find are not that good, or they dont fit me well. the chinese owner of the store was having fun dressing me up with this and the tie below.she asked if i was chinese [T_T i fail, i try my best to appear japanese but people always mistake me for chinese or korean], but on my mother's side i think we have chinese blood.going back to the top, it totally reminds me of kanjani8.XDDDD

i've been looking for a tie since march, but all that i see were either too formal, too expensive, or just wasnt my taste.
and then viola!!! i saw it in the same store with the red plaid shirt above!

i didnt plan to buy a bag.really, i didn't. and the first bag that i liked was gucci too but it was a messenger bag.but the exterior design was not that appealing to me, so when i saw this bagpack, i liked it. i've been longing to have a bagpack that looks like a school girl bag, so yey! i have one now!

NOBUTA NECKLACE!!!!!!!! it's a clock btw.and it's pretttyyyy long. i love it. again, this time, the chinese owner asked me if im chinese. TT__TT i just said yes anyway.

i was looking for 'the red trenchcoat' that ive been wanting to get my hands on since last year. i didnt find one that i liked so i guess i'll have to go back to that oh so expensive store and burn my wallet just for that coat. the rainy season will be coming soon so i took this chance to buy a sweater. i have a top that is very similar in color and pattern,but the style is different.

a black vest with lace at the back covering. i already have a cream colored one so i wanted to have a dark vest.

lol. while my sister was looking for socks i looked around the store and thought that i wanted to have  black stockings. my mom only has the skin toned ones so i bought a black one for me.

this is the shortest skirt that i have now. my sister was hesitant to buy it at first but i forced her to buy it so i can just borrow it from her..XDD coz by that time i didnt have any money left.

when i bought all this stuff, my sister had only bought one single she looked around for more coz she still had a lot of money left, and i dont have any.TT__TT but in the end, i bought more than she did even if she already spent all of her money which was equal to what i had.

i should have brought extra money, coz i still wanted to buy a looootttt!!!!!

when we left, we got lost. we didnt know where to go.XDDD so for an hour we were walking around and around and around under the hot sun.we got home anyway, that's why im here.

OH! i almost forgot! there was this guy who REALLY REALLY REALLY looked like that guy in super junior...i forgot his name though..the funny chubby guy.i was saying 'what the hell is he doing here?' coz even the hair was the same!!!

shopping, birthday

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