Apr 12, 2005 22:14

I don't get it. Here lately, since out "special" night it's like Mark acts like he doesnt want to be with me anymore. I thought that night would bring us closer, but I feel its only pushing us away. I told him this evening that I felt like he didn't appreciate me and the things I do for him. I know there are others that feel that way to, but it's not my place to bring it up to him. I mean after today's message that he left for me on my voicemail today, I was hurt, I really was. I mean yea it was my fault I didn't get up and take him lunch since I had said I already would, but I did also over-sleep. I think my mind is just worn out....being overly stressed about everything, and mainly a lot of things I shouldn't even give two seconds thought to. I don't know, it's just I feel like my day just rushes by sooo fast I can't even stop to take a breathe before the day is over and I accomplished nothing.

Who knows, maybe this summer is the breather I need. I may just have to go back to my old ways where I sleep none and accomplish much. I have gotten so side tracked and I need to get back on track and get my shit together. I gripe at Mark about getting his shit together but honestly I am not one to talk. I procrastinate sooo much that it is no where near funny.

Oh well back to this homework that I MUST finish tonight, I got a flippin test tomorrow.....can't fail anymore.
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