May 21, 2006 22:00
Been watching Big Brother 7 so here are my thoughts on some of the housemates:
NICKI - her big drama over her bottled water was one of the funniest things Ive ever seen. I really like her, I especially like how she talks. Everything is such a big shock to her or something, she seems to naive, bless her. Loved her video thing at the start "everyone loves me, well a few people dont but they're bastards" lol
LEA - I like her, shes had loads of plastic surgery lol
BONNIE - I fucking near pissed myself laughing at her video "even Davina is gonna be flicking her bean over me" LMAO I love how she talks!! It's really chavy but I don't care it's funny. Although she's had like no screen time since the first night
GRACE - so hot. I dont see why people fuss over Imogen, Grace is the hottest
SHABAZ - I fucking hate him, he's so annoying. He's just too much. He's a big attention seeking huff. And I don't like how Glyn has expressed discomfort how Shabaz touches him so much, yet he keeps doing it! And says quite proudly that he will continue to touch him as he likes! That's just wrong. As Dawn said, if Glyn was a 18 year old girl being touched by a 37 year old man and complained, Big Brother would think he's a pervert. So why is it ok for Shabaz to do it to Glyn, just cos he's a boy?
SEZER - I like Sezer. Noone else seems to. I think he's funny. He's very honest and I loved his big dirty laugh when Shabaz was crying in the diary room
PETE - I fuckin love Pete, Pete to win!!
GLYN - I like Glyn, he seems to naive and lost, bless his heart
I can't remember many more of them. I fucking hate that model from Liverpool. *HOW* is he a model? He's deformed. And he was such a wank is his video, no wonder he got booed.