First of all, i've something very important to say.
Well, I think it's clear; the first episode of the fifth season was AMAZING.
I definitely love SPN. ( I already knew, actually.. XD )
God, i'm nominated on
wicked_awards !
So if you want to, you can vote for me, thanks *hug*
The categories;
Title: 8th buffy icon
Read more... )
You have been nominated at No Rest For The Wicked Awards in the following categories:
Title: 8th buffy icon and 11th buffy icon
Categories: something to sing about(best icon)
Title: 1st supernatural banner(sam) and 3rd supernatural banner(dean)
Categories: Busy Being Fabulous(best banner)
Please check the links to make sure that they are not friends locked. If you'd rather submit a different link please feel free to do so.
To accept or decline the nominations you can either reply to this email or post it in the nominations thread at
rules/categories/buttons can be found here:
Remember you have until Sept 20 to respond
Once again congratulations,
make an author/artist's day nominate today!
Thank you so much.
But i have a little ( big ) problem. I have no acces to wicked_awards because of my age. ( Under 18.. sh** ) Can you tell me what do i have to do then ?
Thanks :)
And if you'd like to nominated others please feel free to send me a pm. Let me know and I'll give you the nomination form to use.
Here are the rules that are on the profile page of wicked_awards
1. Must have an lj account to nominate
2. May nominate as many as would like
3. Self nominations are allowed
4. An author may only have one fic per category (fics written with another author doesn't count toward the one fic per category rule)
5. An artist may have two graphics per category
6. Manips are welcome in any fandom listed, alone or crossover.
7. All fics/graphics are welcome regardless of when they were written/made
8. Appropriate warnings must be displayed.
9. A winning fic/graphic cannot be nominated again. Past Winners
10. Any category not having a minimum of five nominations will be held over for the next round.
11. Nominations archived on lj journals are fine as long as it's not friends locked
12. By agreeing to the nomination authors agree to have the fics archived at No Rest For Wicked Archive
13. Password: "Because then at least...leather pants"
14. Crossovers are allowed in any combination(any word count) but only with the fandoms listed below. And only in the Devil You Know(best crossover) category.
15. Essays are allowed in any combination of the fandoms we accept
16. If the fic you nominate is 600 words or less it can only be nominated in the drabble category with the exception of best crossover.
Angel, Buffy, Firefly/Serenity, Stargate, Supernatural, Dr.Who, Torchwood, X-Files
And I accept. Of course. ;)
Do i have to put image/link back to the community ?
Sorry for all these questions. :p
You don't have to put a link or image back to wicked_awards. It's not required however feel free if you'd like to. It's entirely up to you. :)
Thank you for accepting and Good Luck!
Here is your banner...
Gonna put the award on my next upload. :)
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