Jan 18, 2004 20:24
Ok, I haven't updated in a while so here it goes...As you can see I doing the journal entry under live journal...so there is one thing.
Family life, My mom pulled a muscle in her back and she can barely move. She can't cough, laugh, or pretty much really do anything. Which still suprises me cause she went to patricks this weekend. She can't go to the doctors cause we don't have the money and when the taxes come she has to give 1500 to patrick for the car and she has to pay bills, so we won't have much...it's ok, we have been through a lot worse...and I mean A LOT worse...
My brother is seeing a shrink now, cause my father thinks there is something "wrong" with him(no comment from the peanut gallery). And my brother over heard my dad telling his shrink that he thinks mom isn't taking good care of us, so now they want to see my mom...great. It looks like my dad is trying to get custody of us or just my brother again...*sigh*
Totally not ready for the mid-terms but what the hell...it was cool having this nice 5 day weekend, did absolutely nothing, but oh well...it's better than doing exams. Well I wish everyone well on the exams on tuesday and a good 5 day weekend(even though our last day is tomorrow). Talk to ya all later. Later Dayz