OK so I watched the last episode of Doctor Who and I loved it. (Of course I do, I always do. There are very few exceptions to that rule.)
But I have a question. About a potential plothole.
And this is in no way me bashing the episode, the writing, anything like that. I just ... don't get it.
How come reading about the future in a book/on a gravestone makes it totally irrevocably happen in future-reality ... but seeing future versions ofyourself bleeding back through time doesn't?
Riddle me that.
Maybe in this last episode (Journey to the Heart of the TARDIS) it was because they were in the TARDIS, and time works differently there. I can buy that.
But look. The Doctor is always going on and on and on about how history can be rewritten. That's kind of the whole point of some episodes! OK, OK, there are fixed points in time which have to happen exactly as they did - or else things go wrong, people still die, the Doctor feels terrible about it, The Waters of Mars happens etc.
OK. Fine. But generally speaking, the Doctor is ... well, he's from a place that currently exists outside of time (Gallifrey, locked down because of the Time War). Even before that, the Time Lords were like the keepers of History, right? They know everything that has happened and will happen. Because they are Time Lords, they can travel through time, they know how the book ends. They've effectively read the biography of the universe.
So WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. How can the writers get away with then saying, "Oh, the Doctor/Amy can't change what's been written. Because it's been written."
Or has the Doctor just never read anything? Or are the "fixed points" only fixed points because he's read about that event? If another Time Lord came along (who hadn't read about Vesuvius), could The Fires of Pompeii have gone differently?
... Is that it? Have I answered my own question there?
What does anyone else think?
Yeah, I'm still angry/upset/peeved about Amy and Rory's exit. Not even that they're gone. Just that they're gone in such a copout way when you actual consider the show we're watching! :(
That got a bit ranty, sorry.