Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (& Life)

Jan 22, 2012 13:39

Yesterday, ice_Elf went out for dinner and to see Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows. Excellent film, really enjoyed it.

SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet.

The two of us managed to somehow avoid being spoiled about - well - anything. We knew bits and pieces from trailers. Like Holmes dresses up as a woman, Watson gets married, Moriarty's in it ... things like that. Basics. :) It was nice, going in with no expectations!

Though, I wasn't expecting to watch two Reichenbach Falls in one week!

When Mycroft said 'I'll have to go to Switzerland, to Reichenbach', we both went, "Oh crap no!" It would've been hilarious if it wasn't, you know, Sherlock Holmes dying. Again. XD

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed it, even with Reichenbach. Which was brilliantly executed, by the way! I loved the mental 'fight' that played out in both Holmes's head and Moriarty's at the same time, both of them judging one another and guessing one another's moves and, basically, making the fight itself completely pointless because they both already know what' going to happen. And I LOVE that Watson opened the door to the balcony just before Holmes pushed them over the ledge. The looks on their faces were just - well. I was a bit broken.

I liked the chess game, especially the bit at the end when Holmes check-mated Moriarty in the game itself and in real life (with all his wealth having been stripped away). Excellent stuff!

The World War references were chilling, because we all know how that ends. Come 1914 and there'll be war anyway, which makes Moriarty's comments about how it's human nature and we all want conflict anyway all the more chilling. (And current. Scarily current.)

I hope Irene Adler isn't properly dead. Though I suspect she might be, which is sad ... :( (I like this version of her. Lots. I'll go into that more at a later date.)

I don't think the sequel is quite as good as the first one, but I'm not sure what's making me say that. Also, it's a very close thing and I think it was excellent anyway; I just think I prefer the first one. Though, of course, it would help if I could watch them both in succession to properly judge it ... :P

OK, serious reviewy stuff over. OMFG HOLMES AND WATSON. Wrestling in the train carriage! Holmes's legs wrapped around Watson, while he rips his shirt off. ... I nearly died laughing. OK, they were in danger, but the arguing was hilarious and oh wow that was just blatant fanservice right there. :P Sorry, but it was. Also, THE DANCING. Waltzing. In front of people. Without any hint of it being weird for them to do that. XD

... Thanks, guys. <3

Also, the wedding scene. Well. The bit before/after the wedding scene, really. Where Holmes is supporting Watson, and he looks like he's walking to, I don't know, his funeral rather than his wedding. (Which is hilarious because he'd be hung over as hell, but also, the tenderness on Holmes's faaaaace! And just generally HOLMES'S FAAAAAACE! ... I do love RDJ, I think he's a great actor.)

Thoroughly enjoyed Moran, even when he was being evil. It was weird, though. Maybe it's the Sherlock fandom's fault (oh it is it so very is), but ... I kind of ship Jim/Moran over there. (Please don't judge me.) So, maybe it was fandom bleedthrough, but I was getting quite a lot of Moran/Moriarty vibes in there. Mainly one-sided Moran-is-completely-devoted-to-the-Professor kind of vibes, but ... even so. It was ... weird, and slightly ick. XD

Oh, and I loved the ending. LOVED the ending. With the oxygen thing - which was clever, because it was such a throwaway thing and Holmes put it down, so you kind of put it out of mind, and then it comes back and bites you with cleverness! (Similarly Holmes hiding in the armchair at the end - which was doubly great because I fell into the same trap as Watson, thinking that Holmes was probably the postman! I liked that there was an actual purpose to some/most of the offhand things that they just sort of threw in there, anyway.)

So there you have it. Thoughts, impressions, ramblings.

Tomorrow, I'm (in theory!) going to two job interviews in Bolton-ish. One's for a permanent job as a claims handler; the other is for a temporary data entry job with some proof reading. Neither are spectacular, but it's better than the transcribing.

Problem is, they told me they would send an email with the info for the data entry position/interview ... and it hasn't arrived. Luckily, that's the second interview of the day, so I'll hopefully have chance to phone them tomorrow first thing to find out about it. It's just irritating because they have the right email address, but for some reason I'm only getting a selection of the emails they send me. (They had to re-send the one for the other job, as well, because it didn't arrive.)

In other news, I'm working on a couple of post-Reichenbach Sherlock fics (like probably 90% of the fandom's writers!). They are super depressing, but actually, writing John's grief is kind of ... cathartic. I've also got some ideas for another short (in theory) fic about Jim, which is lots more fun and lots more crazy and has run-on sentences and not a lot of sense making at the moment. It'll all work out, I'm sure.

Still haven't caught up with Merlin or Glee or H50, though I'm working on it as best I can. Also, I need to read things, as ice_Elf reminded me last night. :P So many books, so little time ...

So, there you have it. I could ramble on, but I won't because it'll be boring - if it isn't already. :)


life, sherlock holmes, squee, review, random

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