Loved it; go and watch it immediately if you haven't already.
I have to say this, because it's rare that this happens and it's really exciting for me: We watched this episode live, as it was aired! :D :D :D In HD, even! (Normally, we record it because we have tea late or we're just busy, but not this week!) \o/
WARNING: SPOILERS and general incoherency below the cut.
I must admit, this is one that I haven't read - though I intend to read it ASAP. (Nearly started it yesterday in the hopes that I could finish it, but I was a) working and b) feeling too awful.)
John. JOOOOOHN, you do not know the Horror Movie Rules! HOW CAN YOU KNOW KNOW THE HORROR MOVIE RULES?! I nearly died when he just stopped on the moor (to check out the red-herring Morse code - the actual source of which was hilarious, by the way). Seriously. I thought he was going to get eaten by something. D:
OK, freaked out Sherlock. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 That's all I have to say on the matter.
Oh, and also Sherlock's attempt(s) at an apology. (Because sending John to question the therapist was totally an attempt at an apology. 'I know I've pissed you off, so here, have a pretty lady to talk to.' I see thought you, Sherlock. I dooooo. :P)
Actually, Sherlock was kind of generally adorable in this episode. When he wasn't being an ass. Because he was an ass a lot of the time. (But actually, I found him kind of adorable then, too, sometimes. See, this is why I need to re-watch the episode and make coherent comments at a later date, even I don't know what I mean here.)
Making John coffee! Awwww~! Except for, you know, sneaking sugar in there and attempting to drug him through it. (Though, as soon as he mentioned that he thought the drugs were in the sugar, I figured that wasn't accidental. :P Sneaky.) ... And yet, his (futile) attempts to not have John realise by throwing condiments at him were so sweet. <3
... Which brings me to the one thought that kept coming back this episode:
But John and I love you anyway.
But really. Friends do not drug friends and then lock them in a dark lab and make them think a huuuuge beastie is after them. :( *facepalm*
... Sherlock is a bad, bad human being.
Loved Russell Tovey's performance in this. I think he's generally underrated, actually. He should do more serious drama!
OHHH and Sherlock seeing Moriarty at the end when he yanked the mask off ... that dude who blew up, I forget his name. OMG! OMG OMG! I freaked out. I genuinely did freak out a lot.
Which brings me to two (related) questions - which I did actually shout at the TV, and was told off for by my parents, but I feel justified in yelling them because seriously:
1) When did they catch Moriarty?! (That was Moriarty, right? It looked like him. And he scrawled 'Sherlock' across all the walls, including some pretty impressive backwards-writing on the one-sided glass/mirror there.)
Also, 3) - because I can't trust the evidence of my own eyes - Was it Mycroft who made that decision?
Speaking of Mycroft: bahahahaha, the look on his faaaace when he got the message that his ID was being used. That was the look of a man thinking, "Oh, for f- not again!" (And I love that Mark Gatiss can get all of that across in one split-second shot of him rolling his eyes. <3 )
The CGI was kind of ... meh. But I figured that's OK because it was their imaginations anyway.
Random, but: I wasn't expecting Sherlock to drive. I don't know why, I just ... wasn't. *shrug* There you go.
OH! Oh, and my favourite thing (or one of them, anyway): John has just given up correcting people when they assume he and Sherlock are a couple, now. *amused*
... Felt sorry for Mrs Hudson this episode. But I guess maybe Sherlock was saving her from being hurt later ...? Maybe that's how he justifies it, anyway?
Also, Sherlock covered in blood and carrying a harpoon. Not an imagine I thought I'd be seeing tonight, but ... I appreciate it all the same, Mr Gatiss! Thank you! (Uh, not in a weird pervy way, it was just an awesome way to open the episode. Especially given that Sherlock then goes into full on brat-mode because he's bored already, how the hell can he be bored after whatever adventured resulted in that?! XD)
Think I preferred this week's to last weeks. Couldn't say why, though. :D Can't wait for the next one! *bounce bounce bounce* Is it next Sunday yet?!
EDIT: John has a new (spoilery) blog entry
SPOILERS for the blog thing.
And I'm using multiple exclamation marks, which I never do, because really that sent shivers down my spine. It is horrifying that he's been in their house. (Yeah, OK, I know I already wrote kind of a similar thing, but even so. *horrified*)
That said: if he wasn't such a creepy creepy creeper, I could listen to him witter for ages. (Anybody know if Andrew Scott's done any audiobooks?)
... Also, that video is an really great resource for the nit-picky (and creepy-stalker-like) amongst us who want to know what Sherlock and John have in their flat. XD I particularly like the little display of different bullets. And the Sudoku Rubix cube. And I kind of want to pause it on the shot of the bookshelves to see what, exactly, are on them - but I'm resisting. For now.
AUGH, I want it to be next Sundaaaaaaaaaay! *whines*
I also want a God-damn full-length series, but with long episodes. Which, let's face it, probably isn't forthcoming, but wouldn't it be awesome to have 6-12 hour-and-a-half episodes? I would cry tears of joy. And probably would actually start referring to Gatiss and Moffat as God. Oh, wait, I kind of do that already, haha. (It would be funny if I were joking, but really, I would sell my soul to be as good a writer as they are.)
*cough* Anyway. Awesome ep., awesome bonus stuff on the website, awesome show.