Pretty Meme: Day Ten - Results

Jun 08, 2011 19:35

Day Ten: The Pretty Meme Results!

1. I have picked 10 female and 10 male celebs I find attractive.
2. Every day, I will make a poll and you'll have to vote for the ONE girl and ONE guy you find the LEAST attractive (not so much who you like or don't like, but who you find hot or not not.)
3. After 24 hours, the poll will be closed and the man and woman with the most votes will be disqualified. There will then be a new poll with the remaining contestants.
4. After ten days, there will be two winners!!

In case of a tie, I'll look at the votes from the previous day and the person scoring consistently lower will be the one voted out.


Our Silver Medalists were:

Bradley James

Katie McGrath

Meaning that our Gold Medalist winners were:

For the Boys:

David Tennant

And for the Girls:

Karen Gillan


I figured it might be interesting to see the overall results side-by-side, so here you are, have some more lists!

The Boys

The Girls

So, what have we learned? That my Flist's taste is all over the place. :P (Or maybe it's me.) Although, we have more similar tastes when it comes to the ladies - spookily similar, in the lower end of the Top Ten! As for the guys, though ... the only one we matched on was Jake Gyllenhaal. XD (Maybe I just have odd taste. That's probably it. Which reminds me: I should totally do this with my Weird Crushes. :P I must have at least ten! And it would be a good laugh for everybody else. That's a meme for another day, though ...)

Thanks for playing along. I hope you've enjoyed it - I certainly did! :D


meme, pretty meme, random

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