Day Three of the Pretty Meme!
OK, I know it's technically Day Four - but I went to London with
Ice_Elf yesterday. It was totally awesome - The Doctor Who Experience, Hamleys, a lovely tea out, and Wicked in the evening. All in all, a great day. Except, we got up at 8am and were out of the door by 10am, and it took us until 1:30am to get back - by which time we were literally exhausted. So I think I was justified in not posting. :P
However, I digress. The Meme!
1. I have picked 10 female and 10 male celebs I find attractive.
2. Every day, I will make a poll and you'll have to vote the ONE girl and ONE guy you find the LEAST attractive (not so much who you like or don't like, but who you find hot or not not.)
3. After 24 hours, the poll will be closed and the man and woman with the most votes will be disqualified. There will then be a new poll with the remaining contestants.
4. After ten days, there will be two winners!!
Today, there's a tie, so I'm adding a new rule:
In case of a tie, I'll look at the votes from the previous day and the person scoring consistently lower will be the one voted out.
You guys continue to really surprise me! Day Two Losers are:
Darren Criss
Amanda Tapping
The Boys
The Girls
Poll Pretty Meme: Day Three .