
Mar 16, 2011 09:57

This is not a post that contains masses of spoilers. (Though there are some spoilers, and they will be placed behind an appropriate cut, because I care. And appreciate that some people don't watch episodes of things live.) It's a post about spoilers themselves. Mainly one Glee spoiler, but it goes for them all.

You should be aware by now that I am the biggest Spoilerphobe in this hemisphere. I won't willingly look at set pictures or casting spoilers, even. I like seeing things unfold on the screen without having the slightest clue what's going to happen.

Today, I have been spoiled four times by three different websites for one event in last night's episode of Glee within twenty minutes of getting up and it pisses me off!

Twitter x2 (one offence worse than the other)
Livejournal x1
Deviantart x1

To be fair, I wouldn't expect any better from Deviantart; they don't have a spoiler policy. I would, however, expect better from Chris Colfer's (and Darren Criss's) twitter feeds. And I would definitely expect better from an LJ comm. with clear rules about spoilers!

See, I told you there would be a cut.

Blaine and Kurt kissed last night. I know this, because:

Darren Criss posted on his twitter (talking to Chris) about people being pleased about 'that thing we did'. Which isn't that spoilery, to be fair. It's a coded reference; could mean anything. It could be read as a spoiler, but not really.

Chris Colfer (replying to Darren) said something along the lines of: I would've thought 'They kissed!' would have been trending before 'RIP Pavarotti'.

This was the point where I went: ARGHARGHARGHARGH. (Also, double-whammy! Not only do they kiss, Pavarotti dies?! *shocked sadface*)

Some bastard on LJ posting to the kurt_blaine comm. with an icon of them kissing. UM. I'M PRETTY SURE THAT BREAKS THE SPOILER CODE, GUYS. (Spoilery things aren't supposed to be posted sans warning for a week after the ep. airs, which is nice for those of us, y'know, not in the right timezone. D<) Way to spoil every British fan who didn't stay up until the early hours of the morning to watch it and then checked their flist this morning.

And, finally, a gif on the front page of Deviantart of Kurt and Blaine kissing.

I have honestly not felt this furious about a spoiler since HP7 and Dumbledore's death. (Which my Dad spoiled me for.) Or possibly since I found out Rose was coming back to Doctor Who (again, Dad's fault).

OK, some of you may at this point be thinking, "But this is what you want! What you've been crazing since the moment Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand!" And you would be so right!

But the spoilers have utterly ruined this moment for me. See, I watch TV to find out that how, when, what, why, where. I watch so that I can wonder, throughtout, 'is this the episode where X, Y and Z happens?'. Telling me that Kurt and Blaine kiss in this episode is probably the worst thing anyone could have done. It's just ... taken all the drama out of it. Now, the minute they get into a 'will they kiss now?!' situation, I'll be all, "Well, of course they will, duh." And it'll just be ... meh.

Also, now I've seen it. I was more OK about it until the gifs started popping up. But now I've actually seen it, it's kind of ... what's the point? I've seen it now. No drama left.

Alsoalso, I'm going to be watching the ep. and waiting for it. Which is a shitty way to watch a TV program. (It's also a shitty way to read a book. It's how I initially read HP5, before I spoiled myself because the waiting was making me ruin the rest of the book for myself becuase I was reading it too quickly and missing vast chunks of plot.)


I just wish I had a giant mind-eraser.

This level of rage is quite impressive for 9:20am. And it has remained until now (nearly 10am), hence making this post. If I hadn't still be absolutely brimming with fury, I would've let it go, but now. This cannot stand.

Peope need to appreciate that we're not all in the same timezone and we don't all have access to the episode the moment it airs. It's just common bloody courtesy. It's not that fucking difficut.

I would apologise, but I'm not sorry. In fact, I'd like an apology from three of the four offenders above for making me feel blase about this episode of Glee, instead of bouncing-off-the-walls-excited, like I should be.

I will apologise for the swearing, but it's because I'm so very angry right now.

Right. Time to go and hide in a box away from the internet so that I can't get even more spoiled than I already am.

I hope the rage wears off when I actually watch the episode tonight. It'd better be that good that it heals me of the fury that I feel right now. No pressure, Glee. No pressure ...


glee, fandom, spoilers, unnecessary emo, rant

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