I have an issue with episode two of Sherlock, 'The Blind Banker'. I've watched it three times now, and the days/dates don't seem to add up. Last time I watched it, I made some notes and this is the timeline I came up with:
Obviously, there will be spoilers for 'The Blind Banker'.
Underlining indicates that the show tells us that's the date/day.
20th March, Sunday
* Soo Lin's brother (do we have a name other than 'the Spider'?) asks her for her help; she refuses.
21st March, Monday
* Soo Lin last seen at work by Andy (the guy with the crush on her).
* Opening scene (Soo Lin doing the tea ceremony).
* Soo Lin sees the 'deadman' message and decides to hide.
* 11:50pm (ish), 'deadman' message left in the bank for Eddie VanCoon.
* (We know this is Monday because Andy tells us so on Thursday 24th.)
22nd March, Tuesday
* Eddie VanCoon sees the 'deadman' message in the bank (at 12:00am)
* Eddie VanCoon runs home, and is murdered (by the Spider).
23rd March, Wednesday
* John Watson has his row with the chip&pin machine. (Watson's blog can back me up on this!
Proof here.)
* Sebastian contacts Sherlock Holmes and opens the case.
* We get the detail of Sebastian's watch: the date on the watch is the 21st, which Sherlock tells us is two days slow. (Incidentally, the date/day correlation puts this episode next year, 2011.) We therefore know that it must be the 23rd. He also says that the watch came out in February and it's been "less than a month" since it came out. If it was still February, it'd be more likely for him to say 'this month' (instead of February), so we can infer that it's March.
* Lukis finds the 'deadman' message in the library, runs home, and is murdered.
24th March, Thursday
* Lukis's body found.
* John's job interview; Sarah schedules him in on Monday. (This is important.)
* John caught grafitti-ing and is given a court date on Tuesday.
* John and Sherlock find the Lucky Cat and work out that the 'deadman' message is made up of Chinese numbers.
* John and Sherlock find Soo Lin's flat ("No one's been here since Monday" - fits with the dates/days thus far!)
* Sherlock breaks in and is strangled for the first time.
* John and Sherlock go to the museum (having seen Andy's note) and talk to Andy. He last saw Soo Lin on "Monday" which was "three days ago". They find the 'deadman' message Soo Lin saw on her last day (Monday, March 21st).
25th March, Friday
* Sherlock and John talk to Andy about Soo Lin again, and Sherlock realises that she's been coming back to tend her teapots. (In the morning, I'd assume.)
* Sherlock and John catch Soo Lin in the museum. (Very cearly at night. What did they do all day?) They find out about the book code.
* Soo Lin killed by her brother.
* Sherlock requests the books from the police. (I suppose this could have happened on Saturday 26th, but I'm pretty sure John said, "A girl was gunned down tonight", not last night, about Soo Lin's death ...)
* John and Sherlock apparently stay up all night looking through the books (at least, this is what it looks like to me).
26th March, Saturday/Monday ???
* John's watch alarm goes off (after the all-nighter), presumably to wake him up.
* John goes to work. (And falls asleep at work.) Except this doesn't make any sense because he's pencilled in for Monday, not Saturday. :/
* John and Sarah have their date - at the Chinese circus. They're kidnapped, etc.
27th March, ???
* John collects the fee from Sebastian and his bank.
* Sherlock tells the secretary about the £9,000,000 hair pin.
28th March, ???
* Breakfast in the flat.
Not sure when John's
blog entry on the 27th March is supposed to fit. To me, it seems to be an immediately-post-kinapping post, but I don't know. It could be the day after? (I mean, they're kind of busy on the day after, too, so they might not have had time.) ... Oh, I don't know.
So. Timeline done. No, don't get me wrong here - I know that this could easily be explained away. They could have been going through those books all weekend, and just pulled an all-nighter on the Sunday.
I don't think that the show itself really backs that up, though. We get one (one) cut - a fade from 'they've just started' to 'they're on the point of giving up, and it's the next morning'. That, to me, says, "One night, they've been awake for all of it - and oh, look, John's watch is going off to wake him up for work." Anyone else?
So, any explanations? Anyone?
EDIT: Mystery solved by
spooky_morrigan! :) Sarah said mundane, not Monday. What I heard and the actual dialogue (which I horrendously misheard) is under the next cut.
I Heard:
Sarah: Might we book Monday in for you?
John: Monday in is good, sometimes. Monday in works.
They Said:
Sarah: Might be a bit mundane for you.
John: Mundane is good, sometimes. Mundane works.