Well. That was a long absence. I really didn't mean to have a month-long hiatus over Easter, but what with one thing (birthday) and another (family stuff), I just didn't have time to update. I am heartily ashamed about this, however, and shll try to make up for it. First of all by making a Very Long Post About What I Did On My Easter Holidays. :P
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I actually have no idea what kind it is. I was too overwhelmed by the fact that it was a Time Turner that I didn't even look. XD (I'd check, but it's at home and I'm at Uni., so I can't, sorry.) It's brilliant, though - and actually spins! I am so delighted with it.
Yeah, this holiday has been incredibly busy. But the good kind of busy. :) I've checked my friends list, but I haven't really read any fic. Do you have any particular recommendations? :)
How To Train Your Dragon almost went under my radar, too! I was oblivious until a friend asked me if I'd see it with her (and linked to the trailer where David Tennant does a voiceover describing the different types of dragon ...). I don't know if it's the kind of film that anyone would love, but if you don't mind Pixar cartoons and you like dragons, you'll probably find it reasonably enjoyable.
I'm not sure who I picture when I think of the Doctor. Ask me again at the end of this series. :P I do really like Eleven, though. I must admit to never having seen any episodes of Old Who whatsoever, so I don't really know much about any of the Doctors who came before Nine. (Bad fan, I know.) So, sadly, I can't really compare him ...
I love long comments! I'm torn between excitement and terror about tonight's episode ... but I still can't wait!
Hmm. Writing this comment, I've realised that I need some icons with Eleven on them ... *procrastinates from work by searching for some*
I did a brief merlin fic rec sometime last week on my journal, but I shall have a looksie and send you a few I liked, if you want. :)
I haven't seen tons of Classic Who, but I've got the first story An Unearthly Child and then Caves of Androzani, and I've caught a few more on UKTV Gold every so often. :)
I'm scared and excited about tonight, too - I don't handle scary stuff well, so last week I actually went to sleep curled up with my torch and my sonic screwdriver :D But it's going to be awesome.
*hums happily*
I will also check out your LJ for recs - and get around to reading the ones you posted in the comment below. Thank you! I don't know why, but in some fandoms, I love AUs - and Merlin is one of the ones that I love them in. (That and Pirates of the Caribbean, oddly enough.) You seem to have picked out a good selection! :D
Ah, UKTV Gold. I remember that channel well, before my dad's stinginess cut in and we stopped being able to get it. D: Ah, well; the opportunity will arise for me to watch some Classic Who eventually!
I have now watched tonight's Doctor Who, and somehow I didn't find it as scary as last week's. (Although, I did read a fic right beforehand that may have ruined the Mood Of Fear. I think it merits a re-watch right after the previous episode before I come to conclusions ...) Still a good episode, though! I hope you don't/didn't have too much trouble sleeping!
http://mellacita.livejournal.com/746909.html - future!AU, richkid!Arthur stays a night in a hostel and meets Merlin.
http://a8c-sock.livejournal.com/32361.html - um, Cupid. And Sir Leon. And hilarity :D :D
http://troygirl68.livejournal.com/54875.html#cutid1 - angsty abused Arthur. Happy ending. ModernAU
http://mara-anne.livejournal.com/4458.html - so few words, but so much said. Well, I think so.
http://minor-hue.livejournal.com/971.html - emo!Merlin and jock!Arthur. 'nuff said.
http://writing2death.livejournal.com/1842.html - another future one. I never used to read them, but I'm getting hooked.
Aaaaand... I'm going to stop being quite as obsessive now... yeah... hm...
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