Massive Life Update

Feb 08, 2010 00:53

I haven't posted here in over a week; that's got to be some sort of record for me. :P (Twitter: responsible for cutting at least 60% of the crap out of my LJ. Hehe ...) Anyway, quite a lot has been going on, so I'm going to attempt a massive update now, while I have time, because the next five days are going to be hectic beyond belief.

Also, I'm listening to an episode of Life on Mars while I'm typing this (the one with the Beauvoir ladies and the discreet sex parties) to feed my newfound love for John Simm (thank you Doctor Who for bringing that back), so I apologise for any and all distraction-induced typos.

came up to Durham! And it was brilliant.

We watched a hell of a lot of Glee! (from episode nine to the end of the series) and oh wow. KURT. KURT'S DAD. DEFYING GRAVITY. VICTORY. WILL/EMMA. So much squee. (I'll try to make some kind of coherent post eventually, maybe over Easter or something, because I sure as hell won't have time in the next month thanks to El Dissertation ...)

We also met up with kara_kicks and Sam (another school buddy) for a meal on Saturday, and we all went to see Avatar together on the Sunday. Again: SO MUCH SQUEE! My God, it's just so awesome. Really. I just ... I came out shaking. I don't think a film has made me feel like that since the days of Lord of the Rings. (Which, actually, is saying something.)

We saw it in 3D which, as per usual, gave me a mild headache until I got used to it. (I'm usually mildly unimpressed by 3D films, and to be honest, the 3D stuff didn't actually impress me this much this time either. The rest of it, though - that did impress me.)

Flying dragony things. Weird mental bonds. Giant blue aliens - which I seriously thought would be weird, when they started with the Romance part of the plot (which was impressively well-integrated, I thought), but actually: hello, sexy gorgeous blue aliens! Six-legged alien beasties!

Actually, one thing did bother me. You know how pretty much everything non-humanoid on Pandora was based on six legs (four at the front, two at the back)? Well, shouldn't the Na'vi have two pairs of arms, then? Because, obviously, the DNA of that planet runs to six limbs ... and yet, they only have four. (AND, they only had one point of connection, whereas all the animals had two, one on either side of their skull.) Anyway, point of contention over; back to the AWESOME.

I'm hoping to see Avatar again in the near future; when I do, I'm going to do a proper squeepost, because it deserves it.

After coming home from Avatar, ice_elf brought up A Very Potter Musical - something which I've been meaning to watch for a while now, and haven't got 'round to watching. Apparently, the same was true for Ice_Elf. We YouTube'd it, meaning to watch the opening. We watched all of Act I (until it was about four in the morning). The next day, we watched Act II.

It was life-changing! :P

I never thought I'd ship Quirrelmort, BUT BY GOD I DO NOW! (I also never thought I'd say the words "Poor Voldie" without sarcasm, but I now have, and meant them.) I think watching it has permanently altered my conceptions of the Harry Potter series, in a really good way. Favourite parts (without spoilers, I think)? Cho's Song (with Ginny lyrics); Evil getting Pissed; Malfoy's strange habits; pretty much every song, actually; and, the ultimate best part: "Hey, you."


So, yes. Much fandom was had by all. And then Ice_Elf had to go home, which was sad, and I had to get on with my work. Which I did. (I now have a finished draft of my coursework essay, WOOHOO! Just have to perfect it, and hand it in on Friday.)

Most of this week has been uneventful (or at least, not interesting enough to write up here). Oh, except for Thursday, which was a real low-light. I arranged to meet up with a friend to do our Old Norse translation together. It was 55 lines of poetry (so, the lines were short). I went over after lunch, and we started at two o'clock; we finished at half eight. Six and a half hours. Solid. (I'm not exaggerating; I wish I was.) By that time, I'd missed dinner in college, and apparently the New Inn (my only backup) had stopped serving (bastards!). I had a disappointing toastie for tea, and got sod-all but my Old Norse done.

This weekend, however, was rather better, if only for one reason:

I was feeling supremely stressed about this session (which I was responsible for organising) last Friday; we didn't have a teacher, and there was no way I wanted to teach it. (No experience; a long time since I've worked with clay; no desire to stand up and make a fool of myself.) However, we managed to get an ex-Exec. member to do the teaching, we ordered the clay without a hitch, the set up went remarkably smoothly ...

And over twenty people turned up to play with the clay! *gleeful* That's a really excellent turnout, considering that it's been a wet, miserable and generally depressing day. (Last time this sort of day happened, we got four people.)

We made elephants, which was fun, and then I progressed onto making a dragon, which I'm reasonably proud of. (I have yet to attempt to make the wings, but hopefully it's going to work OK.) Photos will arrive on here eventually.

Seriously, though, there's something supremely therapeutic about clay - maybe it's the texture, maybe it's the way it squidges, maybe it's just that I like getting my hands covered in it, but hey. It was a good afternoon! I like clay work; I think I might buy myself a big tub for my own use. :D

So, all in all, SUCCESS!

Hopefully, the next time I update, I'll have a finished coursework essay (and hopefully a couple of non-coursework ones done, too).

Now. I've bored you all to suitable degrees of torpor; how're your lives going?


fine art society, life, complainitude, fandom, university, random

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