Stephen Fry (& a bit of Novel news)

Jan 25, 2009 11:19

In case you weren't aware (I wasn't, until I saw a bit of the latest Jonathan Ross), Stephen Fry has a Twitter account. (I find this weird; he doesn't look like he'd entirely approve of Twitter, but whatever.) Anyway, was browsing my flist this morning, and someone on indeedsir had linked to it, so I clicked - just out of interest, you know.


"On the show [Jonathan Ross] read me some Fry/Laurie slash fiction. Did it make the cut? Absolutely eye watering. And I thought I had seen it all.."

... I don't think it did make the cut. (If it did, I'll never know, because dad's deleted it now. BOO!) BUT. Oh, man I wish it had. XD I want to see his face! When he read it to him! (It'd've been better than DT's reaction on The Friday Night Project. :P) Well, at least he finds it funny. Most of my Favourite People seem to. Which is yayful!

In Other News: My novel is currently 72,000 words long and still going. This makes it officially the longest piece of fiction (heck, the longest piece of any writing!) I've ever done. In case anyone's bothered, the closest contender was NaNo '06, which came in at 71K before I gave up and called it a night.

I am very proud of this. :) *types up some more*


life, fandom, random

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