Decisions Decisions...Someone HELP!!!

Mar 17, 2011 16:05

I have been away from live journal for a couple weeks, mainly because I usually do my posting while at work.  But I've actually had work to keep me busy.  So I'm taking a little time out to catch up a tiny bit.

My mind has been very focused on one thing this week.  EASTER BONNETS.  I know that will make no sense to most of you out there, but beleive it's a big deal for me.  I gather a group of fantastic folks together and we create bonnets for the NYC Easter Bonnet Parade each year.  This will be my 5th year making a bonnet...but just the 3rd year of group themes.

If you're not familiar with the NYC Eastr Bonnet Parade, there is no need to think any less of yourself.  It's not an officially organized parade.  The mayor doesn't show up.  There isn't even a parade route.  But a portion of 5th Avenue is blocked off from 49th Street to 57th Street.  People put on their bonnets and just wander around the streets for hours.  Some people make crazy bonnets (like us)...and some people put on all the finery and go completely classic like in the old movie, Easter Parade.  A good time is had by all.

Two years ago, the group was the Calendar Girls.  There were 12 of us and we each took a month.  This was a hit and easily recognizable to the masses.  It was a bit harder keeping the group all together though.  But that was mainly due to the fact that people will just make you stop to take photos...and with a group that size it's easy to lose one or two that don't know you have stopped.   But the bonnets were a big hit.  We were interviewed for some radio show...and there were tons of photos of us taken.  So good work.  Lots of photos are on the 2 Facebook links:

Last year, we went a little darker with the 7 Deadly Sins.  It was less people and much more manageable.  We actually ended up with 8 people, so one person wore a bonnet that simply introduced us as the sins.  It all worked out.  The bonnets got a little more elaborate in size and body this time around.  And we were a hit.  It went over especially well because the main viewing point of the "parade" is in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral.  So everyone was trying to get a picture of all the "sins" in front of the church.  Easter mass was letting out and people were going crazy.  We made it into the paper this time around with a full interview (mostly from delmarmar ).  So last year was a major success.   Photos:

This year, we are tackling Fairy Tales.  It's a bit more general, but the possibilities are endless.  And we don't have to have a specific number of people either.  I think we are up to 10 people as of today.  WOO HOO!!!  Some of the tales that are being presented are Jack and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel, the Frog Prince, Princess and the Pea, Hansel and Gretel.  Others that haven't been totally decided upon, but have been tossed around as ideas, are the Golden Goose, 3 Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.

I am waivering between Sleeping Beauty and the Little Mermaid.  The Little Mermaid is by far my favorite Disney-fied fairy tale, so that's why it's in the running.  Also, in either one, I'll focus more on the villian of the story.

The Little Mermaid bonnet will be mainly Ursula the Sea Witch and her cauldron...with Ariel, Sebastian and Flounder (possibly inside the cauldron) as the other characters.  Then various sea creatures and sea life will be thrown in as filler...with seaweed all around the brim of the bonnet.

The Sleeping Beauty bonnet would consist of Sleeping Beauty lying in the center with a spinning wheel next to her.  But the main character would be the dragon towering over her (made out of red vinyl).  And the brim would be covered with thorny rose bushes.  Very dramatic my head.

So any thoughts?  Comments?  I need help deciding and I can't really decide between the 2 choices.  I kind of love them both.  No one seems to have any interest in either of these tales.  Normally I would let everyone else in the group pick their choices first and I would take whatever is left.  But that doesn't seem to be an issue this year.  I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to put the 2 choices in a hat and pick one at random.  So help me out.

Here's a close-up shot of my bonnet from last year...if you can't tell, the sin that I got was LUST. 

I also made the GLUTTONY bonnet last year...and I loved the way it came out.  The pig is made out of pipe cleaners...and looked like corderoy.

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