Well, most of the day. Had the whole job hunt thing to consider. Would have done it last night but the boy was playing his game and I can't do stuff like this from my phone so....
What a Gackt-tastic day yesterday was! I've been waiting for two packages and they both arrived within five minutes of each other. First up:
One of my eagerly awaited package was from
sakuranochi, who was selling a bunch of Gackt goods to finance a new purchase. Good for him, good for me! I am now the proud owner of the Unmei picture book (Yes, the one with nekkid Gackt-chan!) and the first R&R tour dvd!
I must say I was surprised to find a few pics in that book I hadn't seen before. Don't know if I'll be able to scan them though. The book is in pristine shape and I'd rather not damage it. And the tour? Great as always! I'll have to see if I can get some good screencaps of the peek-a-boo thong! ;D
Saving the best for last: The Gackt magnetic paper doll from
Here is the magnificent Maou-Sama on His bat-wing stand.
Please to be forgiving the ugly cut-up carpet behind His Gorgeousness! m(_ _)m
With His traveling coffin to protect Him from the harsh glare of sunlight.
Getting ready for a quick catnap after His tiring journey.
(Even Demon Lords need their beauty sleep!)
Still not sure where His detour took Him, I'm just glad He arrived safe and sound.
And finally, He has decided that my refrigerator makes a great dressing room for Himself.
Must be all of the black!
I have discovered additional benefits to having a Gackt-sama of your own!
He encourages a new drive to cleanliness. Seriously! You should have seen the fridge door before He decided to move in. It was all smudged and covered with fingerprints and odd bits of paper. You could just see the look in His eyes, the dismay at finding His new home was less than tidy. I felt shamed and cleaned it at once. And everywhere we went to take pictures was thoroughly cleaned and dusted before He was set down.
Also, He watches over the kitchen from His vantage point on the fridge. I feel Him staring at me, questioning me as to why I'm going into the fridge or cabinets. Am I actually eating? Is it a mealtime or am I just snacking? Am I truly hungry for this food or do my hands just need something to do? I can see His drive to keep fit and watch His weight will likely have a positive effect on me.
Ah, Gackt... You inspire me.
karadin, now I see why you would end up developing blisters trying to cut these guys out. That is a tremendous amount of work! Truly a labor of love. I hope once Gackt finally gets done with this grueling tour and gets a chance to see them, he sends you some kind of acknowledgment. I just can't imagine him not doing so!
Mou ichido, arigatou!