Mar 17, 2011 18:18
As I type this in the comfort and confines of my room, there are people all over the world possibly fighting for their lives. Yes, the buzzwords these days would be 'Japan' and 'tsunami' and even random people are speaking of 'nuclear meltdown'. But yet, it's so easy to read the reports, get caught up in temporary sadness and even pity and just move on. Each of the thousands that died or are still missing are not just mere statistics but someone's father/mother/son/daughter/husband/wife/friend. The real struggle to pick up the pieces of whatever's left of life and to rebuild is something that those left behind have to face. Even after the world has lost interest or another gripping news hogs the airwaves, the problem is still real.
And it's not just about Japan. We read of the ongoing situation in the MIddle East (now largely overshadowed by Japan), or of international paedophile rings. Oh yes, and of course, there's always the problem of poverty, drug trafficking, human trafficking, prostitution, diseases. How could I forget.
I guess it's how the world works. We emerge from our bubble and self-contained lives once in a while when something major (usually tragedy) strikes, emote and retreat back.
I have ranted and now I'll go back to my FischerandSchrockcarbenes, nativechemicalligation and bizfinancemumbojumbo.
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee;
random musings,