[Hotaru looks up at B as he comes closer, tearing her own gaze away from a photo. Silently she studies him before nodding slightly, recognising him as one of the people in the photo]
[huh? Another person? But the image he had looked at only showed three people. He doesn't make eye contact at first, quickly glancing at the picture she was, herself, looking at. Well, she is in that one. It must have been a coincidence.
But then, he takes a closer look at her with eyes that don't seem to blink very often. Sees her face, sees question marks like the ones on Gash's lifespan, and then finally, her name....
土萠 ほたる
Or Tomoe Hotaru, in romaji. An avid fan of magical girl series, he can't help but be shocked. She's the spitting image of the character, too. Including being terribly cute.]
[he tilts his head, kind of... impressed? He's not at all sure what to think - but for now, he's impressed.]
[Hotaru's expression changes slightly, becoming more guarded the longer B stares at her. She stares back, noting B's features, Japanese like her one. And yet this house reminds her of an American one, like from one of the older movies she had watched with Setsuna.]
It's nice to meet you too. I am Tomoe Hotaru, are you the owner of this house? [There's even a slight bow to go with greeting, Hotaru continuously polite even as she watches B with suspicion. If this is his house, with photos of herself in them, there's a problem.]
[his expression turns flat and serious, almost businesslike perhaps. He doesn't like the term kidnapped for this, which seems to be a far deeper crime, but legally that is what has transpired, so it is the only answer. Furthermore, the longer this "dream" continues, the more it starts to itch that he was in the middle of something else. Defeating L. Whoever is responsible for this interruption cannot be treated lightly.]
So far, I've only seen the inside of this house. But it is my intention to investigate this as thoroughly and as soon as I can - I am supposed to be in Los Angeles right now, and I can't afford to waste time.
[.... this is so surreal. He's talking to a Sailor Senshi. What's more, she's speaking English. Her mention of Japan threw this back into perspective.]
You're right. It certainly isn't.
But Hotaru, for someone who lives in Japan, your English is perfect. Color me impressed.
[The fact that she's speaking English gets a surprised look, Hotaru frowning as she thinks over all she's been saying]
I'm speaking English? I've been speaking Japanese... my English is passable, but I'm not that confident with it. [Actually it's rather good, nearing perfect.]
But then, he takes a closer look at her with eyes that don't seem to blink very often. Sees her face, sees question marks like the ones on Gash's lifespan, and then finally, her name....
土萠 ほたる
Or Tomoe Hotaru, in romaji. An avid fan of magical girl series, he can't help but be shocked. She's the spitting image of the character, too. Including being terribly cute.]
[he tilts his head, kind of... impressed? He's not at all sure what to think - but for now, he's impressed.]
Yes. Hello. It's nice to meet you.
It's nice to meet you too. I am Tomoe Hotaru, are you the owner of this house? [There's even a slight bow to go with greeting, Hotaru continuously polite even as she watches B with suspicion. If this is his house, with photos of herself in them, there's a problem.]
Mmm, it certainly looks that way, doesn't it? But I had no hand in this... whatever it is.
[A frown as she looks back at the photo. Maybe this really was Zirconia attack. Yet this doesn't seem like something she'd dream]
[his expression turns flat and serious, almost businesslike perhaps. He doesn't like the term kidnapped for this, which seems to be a far deeper crime, but legally that is what has transpired, so it is the only answer. Furthermore, the longer this "dream" continues, the more it starts to itch that he was in the middle of something else. Defeating L. Whoever is responsible for this interruption cannot be treated lightly.]
You... you haven't seen any clues as to what they want, or how to escape have you?
You're right. It certainly isn't.
But Hotaru, for someone who lives in Japan, your English is perfect. Color me impressed.
I'm speaking English? I've been speaking Japanese... my English is passable, but I'm not that confident with it. [Actually it's rather good, nearing perfect.]
...I'm sure I've been speaking Japanese.
Perhaps you were thinking in Japanese.
...Was I speaking English with an accent? Perhaps... perhaps everything gets translated into the language we're more comfortable with in this dream...
So, you believe this is a dream?
[he had considered that too. But if it is his dream, the dream figures are being pretty blunt.]
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