OK, my life for the next 5 days.

Nov 02, 2006 20:02

I have a major assignment due tomorrow. Major in that it's worth 100% of a subject that is in itself worth 1/4 of a fulltime load. So I should spend at least 50 hours on it.

I haven't started it.

I can't do it at home as I don't have the program on my computer.

If I don't do it, I don't graduate this year.

I asked the lecturer if it would count if I handed it in on Monday or Tuesday. I got a reply. it said: "All right. You are giving me the answer then. If you don't finish, you don't graduate. Get it done!" So it didn't really answer the question...

I also have a major recital (worth 100% of a subject that is worth more than the above subject) which is in 2 weeks and 2 days, which I am woefully underprepared for.

I also have a few other assignments that won't take too much time - maybe 10 hrs between them all.

It's 7:49pm.

I am going to head home via a supermarket so I can eat and put on a load of washing and clean my teeth. I haven't been grocery shopping in at least 3 weeks. Maybe a few more than that.

Once I get home, I am going to do the other assignments. I will not sleep until they are done.

Tomorrow morning I shall get up at 8am, no matter what time I get to sleep. I shall then come into uni and work on my assignment until 5pm, when i shall go home and get ready for a party that I won't feel like going to but really have to. Then I shall sleep. Go to choir at 9am, work on assignment until 6pm, when the uni shuts. Go home and catch up on sleep. Get to church at 8am sunday. I have to do 2 services. I shall then do an hours practice, head into uni, do another 2hrs on assignment, head to other church for work and dinner. Go home, enjoy a few hours of well-deserved rest.

On monday, I shall get into uni at 7:30 (it technically opens at 7, but never quite is functioning til 7:30). i shall work on assignment until finished. If I finish before 10pm, I shall then practice until the con shuts.

On Tuesday, i think I may rest for a little while before coming in for my practice. By then, the only thing I shall have left for uni is practice. I think I will manage 4-5 hrs a day until the 18th. Then I shall fall in a small huddled mess and sleep for a few days.

This is why you won't see me around, I won't comment, and if I do...please yell at me.

Did I mention I have a new man in my life? He seems fairly keen...but unfortunately I think I have not really committed a lot to this possible relationship. See above for the reason!
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