Gotta Update More...

Mar 30, 2007 11:22

Your moment of Zen: "Whenever I think about birthdays, I always think about the hospitals. Mostly I think about the fathers with the camcorders up their wives hoo-has until the crucial moment when they realize that the beautiful crevice they so admired has now turned into some kind of titan breathing and snarling getting ready to strike. Mind you, this is the most frightening thing any father can witness. I think of the post dramatic stress that the father will have to endure for years upon end. Then I remember the look of panic and mental anguish that always came upon my father's face when it was my birthday. I like to think that I caused all that. I always have fond fantasies of my bald white head breeching through the red, escaping, and then getting my mom's hoo-ha stitched up just so I could have cake. I mean, it was good cake; except for that blue frosting. She was always a bitch for putting that blue frosting on. Every year with that damn blue frosting. What a bitch" ~Jack Handy

So I figure that I have to update this thing more. I know I SAY it, but every time that I get back to this thing, I keep forgetting my password. So I have to reset it. I figure that if I'm not able to remember my password on a regular basis, then maybe I should use another method to update my thoughts. I do have a blog page already established using iWeb that I haven't used since Company. Reason being is that during UMTG's production of Company my powerbook's hard drive died. And in typical fashion the files for the blog were lost. I thought that the iWeb program would be cool and I could just recover the files from my .Mac account, but unfortunately the server doesn't work that way. So now if I really want to update those pages, I would have to rebuild an entire website. I'm reluctant, but then I'd be able to update the pages whenever I wanted and it would be in a central location for me to say "go here, bitches." Who am I kidding? I can't even update this thing on a regular basis, what makes me think that I'll actually take the time to update an entire webpage? Hehe.

So let me give you a couple updates about things that are going on. First of all, professionally. So I was offered a job on Monday. I had a second interview that day, and shortly after I was offered the job. I asked for a couple of days to think about the offer, and asked if having them wait until Thursday would be a problem. They said no. However, by Wednesday they had changed their minds and said that they were going to go with someone else. Although I wasn't going to take the job because of a number of reasons, including pay,I can't help but feel short changed and disrespected.

Another dramatic moment happened yesterday, which ended up making some really interesting sparks. I drove to Hampshire College and as I was parking, I felt something in the engine slide forward. Then I heard a nasty grinding sound. I checked out the problem to make sure that nothing was smoking or ready to blow up, then I started the car. More squeaking and grinding ensued. I then called AAA because I thought that my car had just committed suicide. Luckily the tow truck guy said that it wasn't the transmission that I had feared, but that it was my alternator. We confirmed this because when I started up the car again, sparks flew out of the alternator. He also said it was good that I didn't try to drive the car to the shop, because if I did, I wouldn't have gotten to Amherst College before my engine seized. Yep, good times. Luckily, the car will be fixed by this afternoon, and all will be good.

Well, I have to go now. I have to get ready for my meeting at Hampshire and making the trip to Amherst to get my car, but I want to talk about Lyni's birthday last night so I'm going to be back in the near future.

I hope all of you are well, and plan on doing well.

Signing off,

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