13 and 23 have been my lucky numbers for ages. Or well, rather being lucky numbers, they’re just the numbers I like to use when I can choose a number (like... for lockers) or they’re the numbers I’m happy about when I encounter them randomly. (Like when I have to pay 23,13€ for something. *g*)
I think the 13 is because that’s my birthday. And the 23 originally is because of that movie with Jim Carry. (Which did result in an episode of “OMG, you can really see the 23 in everything. That movie can make you crazy when it comes to that number. Even though it’s really not a good movie.)
It’s a bit funny, because I can totally relate with Kame and how crazy he is about the 23 sometimes. I’m always sitting there going all “Yeah, me too, dude. Me too.” (Though admittedly, him having a boner for the 23 almost automatically makes me go for 23 rather than 13 these days. Influence of the Kamenshi. Can’t be helped. *g*)