Надписи в книгах

Jun 08, 2009 13:04

Ах, какую дивную прелесть я нашла в книге English Folk Rhymes, изданную в 1892 году. Это надписи в книгах, с той целью, чтобы никто эти книги не украл. В общем, берем на вооружение. У меня уже руки чешутся понадписывать так все свои книги.

В стихотворных переводах я не сильна, но если кто-то решится перевести, будет просто здорово.

Steal not this book for fear of shame,
For in it you see the owner's name -
And if I catch you by the tale
You must prepare for Newgate jail.

Steal not this book, my honest friend,
For fear the gallows will be your end,
And when you die the Lord will say,
Where is that book you stole away.

I put my name for to betray
The thief that steals this book away.

This book is one thing,
My fist another,
Touch this one thing,
You'll sure feel the other.

This is _____'s book,
You may just within it look,
But you'd better not do more,
For the devil's at the door,
And will snatch at fingering hands;
Look behind you - there he stands!

This book is mine by right divine,
And if it go astray,
I'll call you kind my desk to find,
And put it safe away.

If thou art borrowed by a friend,
Right welcome shall he be
To read, to study - not to lend,
But to return to me.
Not that imparted knowledge doth
Diminish learning's lore,
But books, I find, if often lent,
Return to me no more.

Give your attention as you read,
Ans frequent pauses take,
Think seriously; and take good heed
That you no dogs'-ears make.
Don't wet the fingers as you turn
The pages one by one;
Never touch the prints, observe; and learn
Each idle gait to shun.

literature, folklore

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