Barack Obama was prompted to deliver a speech today on racial issues in America, largely because of the furor over comments his longtime preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright has made suggesting the US brought the 9/11 attacks on itself.
Right-wing radio was the first to start the harangue over this, and then the mainstream press picked it up, and
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But let's assume for a moment that I'm actually thinking for myself and not "blinded by ideology."
I've given you two examples above of statements made by high profile right-wing ideologues in positions of significant influence among the conservative Christian movement that are strikingly similar to what Reverend Wright said. Shall we investigate whether or not the right-wing mouthpieces spluttered about in outrage over these comments? Did Sean Hannity insist once and for all that his party leaders should avoid contact with these anti-American loonies? Did GOP lawmakers feeding at the trough of Robertson, Falwell and others denounce them and pledge to void all contact? Did they disavow the poisonous anti-gay rhetoric frequently spouted by these devout churchmen and others like them.
No, we both know the answer to that question. Of course, they did no such thing.
The right-wingers use fear and loathing for their own political purpose. They used anti-Gay bigotry to help get Bush elected by forcing marriage amendments onto the ballot. They use xenophobia and paint every immigrant coming into this country as an uzi-wielding gang member to drum up fear and support for themselves. They use fear of terrorism to bludgeon the public into choking down whatever measures they want to have passed. They are now using racism as a political tool. It's slash and burn politics, ruling by dividing not uniting. That is what we have on the right: stoking fear, hatred, and suspicion to obtain their political objectives.
So to answer your original question again: "No one on the left is anything like them, right?"
I'll repeat my answer: "No."
The only thing I'd add is that the right wing hijacked the Party of Lincoln in the wake of the Civil Rights Act and pursued their "Southern Strategy" to power, largely on white resentment and racism. It's been part of their playbook for 40 years.
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