Apr 02, 2006 16:54
What if the sum of all we are turned out to be something simple
Inside of complexity, we misinterpret all that we've been through
Moment to moment, we find ourselves entertaining more hurt
Instead of the joy that would give birth to emotions with worth
I haven't been the first and won't be the last to nurse regret
Unless God neglects to bless my mind, I hope I never forget
My trials and tears, fights for acceptance, smiles and sneers
Every ugly word spat at those my heart held most dear
You and I are the same facing the sentence within this prison
Spinning endless in open space praying that someone listens
To our dreams
Without spite, without killing what we would like
To be or not
Someone who would promise comfort through the night
Of this life
If they could face our dire dilemmas and tell us
It's going to be all right
They would be someone who could impart peace
When we'd just like to fight
What if the sum of all we are was just afraid of being loved
Because that which lives within us was incapable of
Showing it back knowing that this time is a short space
In eternity's eyes, we despised this period of grace
But what if we knew ourselves enough to just enjoy love
For what it is, could be or was ~ But still thrived within us
Would we be more or less fulfilled through the days of our existence
Or fail, what if we classified all this time as a mission
What if all hypotheticals could never be and we were all filled with faith
Enough to take what we dreamed and, through a thought, give it shape
What if what we thought of as great was really poor and ignored
And the Lord of all the earth came to sit on your floor
I'm just thinkin' "what if"
I think we could spend our whole life looking for something that's right in front of us... its like tunnel vision; you have a spot light and you think it finally hits someone but unless theirs hits you... whats the point; and whats the chance of it actually hitting you? I think the worst thing about it is, you never get to see how much people actually love and care about you. Granted that's not always your fault. Or, maybe it is. Maybe your just so scared of something you just deny it.
I'd say maybe they were just to scared to ever show it, but when everyone else sees it, I don't think that that's really the issue… so you wait… and wait… until you think the time is right to just put it out there. But, is it them you're waiting on, or yourself? I always figured you'd just know when the time was right, whether you thought that you were perfect for them now, or you wait until you thought they could handle it or were in a situation to even think about it… But you never seem to find that right time. So do you miss out on something? Will you regret it cause you never really know if this person realized what they were to you?
OR, maybe you take the chance and tell them, cause maybe you know you'll never feel like it's the right time but that's just you being scared. And personally I don't know what's wrong with that, just that subconscious nauseous feeling about something going wrong but you cant even think what could be wrong with just putting your feelings out there, besides getting turned down, but in this case you've had that enough. So its not that big of a deal, at least you'd have it off your chest and not feel like you missed something just cause you didn't put it out there… So why not go for it???
…I don't know either…
(yea ill actually update on shit later)