Sep 19, 2005 21:59
so i went up to my cousins on thursday and stayed until her birthday yesterday. my aunt had a surprise party for her which was cool but unfortunately she had to ruin it by yellin at me and my cousin about something stupid. i wont go into detail... just know that there was drama and it was dumb. so we had fun all weekend up until yesterday with the drama which im still pissed about.
then i come home to my mom and dad talking about the possibility that carlos may need to be put to sleep. (our dog that we've had since i was 10) he's been taking medicine for a couple months cause he started coughing really bad so we took him to the vet and found out his trachea was collapsing and there is fluid around his heart. so they gave us medicine to help him get better or atleast be more comfortable and they put him on a diet. well since then nothing has changed... he'll seem like he's getting better and then 2 seconds later he's 20 times worse than before. now he's on his highest amount of medicine that he can be on and he's just getting worse. it's so sad because its such a hard decision to make. he just seems like he's in misery but i just keep thinking "sometimes he looks like he's better" but the majority of the time he looks miserable. he's basically a member of our family ... how can we just kill him off? or is it worse to let him live being in constant pain and barely being able to breathe? ugh... i dont know. all i know is im sad. really really upset. originally he was my dog... no one wanted him but me. he was so cute somehow even though he had fleas and worms. lol *sniff* this is just going to be a bad week. if my parents make the decision to do this itll probably happen on saturday. the weekend before my birthday... how wonderful.