(no subject)

Sep 20, 2006 19:29

yea i know its been a while but i figured it was time to write.

so i had a fricken misserable day at school today. yea it was not a good day. so i decided to come home and work on my mustang, and it went well, i actually had a little fun. i was listening to my ipod and got some good work done. it was quite a nice change.

so after i ran out of things to do on the mustang i decided to read my texts a little to get my school work out of the way, which was good, read up on bearings and all that good stuff, quite interesting actually.

so i go outside to pick up some food for dinner, and i cant start my car. year the fricken automotive major is havin car troubles once again, thats a shocker (quite literally). so i figured it was my battery cables again, so i went and tightened the negative end, no problem, then i went to teh positive and well, as i was tightening the bolt my hand slipped and hit metal and i got electricuted, yea that was really fun. and to make it worse i dropped my wrench which proceded to hit both terminals and arched accross the wrence (for those of you who dont know what it means when something archs its when pure electricity goes streight from the positve to negative end of a batter or other electircal device causeing it to spark which then gets hot enough to melt the metal in my batter) so my batter is shot, my cabeles are most likely shot too, and im praying that it didnt kill my 1000 watt amp and 12" speakers which it probably did.

so now im sitting here, my hand realyl hurts from the electricity, my car is dead, ive got school tomorrow and no ride. im fucking misserable cause well i have no friends, i never go out and all i do is read my damn textbooks, which im almost finished with and its only the FOURTH FUCKING WEEK OF FUCKING SCHOOL. and im completly misserable. what a wonderful work this truely is.
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