Discussion Post for 2.09 "Countdown" - General

Mar 02, 2013 16:47

This is the general discussion post for the episode 2.09 "Countdown". Spoilers for the whole series are allowed here.

The planet Albian, under Federation rule, is controlled only by a few officers. The Federation has been able to keep order over the population by threat of exploding a solium radiation device buried on the planet which upon detonation will destroy all life. However, revolution occurs and the device is activated. Blake and crew arrive on Albian seeking Space Major Provine in the hope he can lead them to the whereabouts of Central Control. They arrive amid the revolution and help the rebels to locate the bomb. Avon meets Grant, brother of his former lover, also his enemy. Blake finds Provine and just before he dies reveals the new name of Central Control being Star One. Avon and Grant attempt to disarm the bomb whilst reconciling their dispute.
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