I finally get how all these kids buy into the Santa Claus thing. Not only does my kid totally believe in the tooth fairy, she believes in almost anything . . . . For example, we recently got a new book from the PJ Library
http://www.pjlibrary.org/booksmusicfiles/Mindy%20Saved%20Hanukkah.pdf called, When Mindy Saved Hannukah. It's an adorable little fairy tale, about a family of tiny Jews who live behind a crack in a wall in a big NY synagogue. Well, the family members are the size of mice, and guess what synagogue just recently got a resident cat? Anyway, I won't spoil the whole story for you--it's a great book, you should read it to your children, or your friend's children, or your niece, nephew, cousin, or grandchildren. Here's the weird thing: My daughter now believes that there are ACTUALLY little tiny Jewish families that live in the walls of synagogues. And I don't know what to think about that. Is it good or bad that she's so gullible at her age? Is it a normal, healthy part of being 5? Or is it my job as a parent to disillusion her, and teach her that sometimes authors make up stories that aren't really real?
Then again, maybe there really are little tiny Jewish families that live in the walls of synagogues. Barack Obama is our President-elect, so maybe anything really is possible!