Rewatch for Season 2, episode 14 - There All the Honor Lies
Recaps are here:
Dreamwidth And
Livejounr nal The Lurker’s Guide to Babylon 5 always has some interesting tidbits and some stuff from JMS.
The craziness in this episode overshadows the serious issue and I don’t really have a problem with that. To be honest, I found the frameup of Sheridan to be dull compared to merch on the station, Londo dolls and the singing monks in one moment of ‘perfect beauty’. Did I mention that the Centauri want to recall Vir because he’d too dull to be the cool Londo’s assistant?
Oh and Na’toth is Sheridan’s lawyer!
There are a bunch of radicalized Minbari and one of them martyrs himself to frame Sheridan, who simply won’t go down without a fight and he wins, as usual. The Minbari are strange and mysterious, but they don’t lie… except to save face, which Londo tells to Sheridan. This gets him out of his trouble and all is sort of well at the end.
1. Who exactly sent Sheridan’s lawyer? The real details are a bit vague.
2. Do you think the chanting monks were Pak’ma’ra?
3. So are there different castes in a family? Or group? Were the dudes from Lennier’s clan all of the same caste?
4. Wouldn’t you love a Sheridan bear? OR an anatomically correct Londo?