Jul 16, 2008 16:34
at least the one at west gate mall in fairview park
the manager is a RUDE ASS PIG
I had a first visit appointment to get x-rays and go over my insurance at 5:15
I got there about 5:10
Walked in, gave my name to the lady behind the desk.
The lady standing behind the lady at the desk said
"How fast can you write"
I said
"Excuse me"
She said again
"How fast can you write"
"excuse me what do you mean"
She looked down at a clip board with forms on it with a major bithy look
I said
"You are rude. Do you mean the forms, with the information I gave over the phone"
Lady sitting at the desy
"She is just kidding, joking"
"I think you are extremely rude. I came in her as a new client,l that you have just lost. Who is the manager"
Lady standing up
" I am"
"I will find out tomorrow who your manager is. Your are extremely, beyond rude. this is fucking ridiculous"
pushed forms across the desk
God! I was pissed for about an hour last night!
Called the patient service line and filed a complaint.