May 12, 2004 19:38
Date: 2004/05/07 11:17:36 EDT
To: Everyone
From: The Assassin
Subject: Dumb People
When I read these boards I have to ask myself. Do all the teens in the world have the IQ of a rock? Like the one asking people not to swear. Who cares if people swear or not in fact Ikhlassy AkheasI Ya Sharmoot wa iftahy khashmik. Do you know what that means little crypt man? I will tell you this much. It's in arabic. When I look at these boards I see nothing but ignorant people who have no true grasp of the reality of the world. So what does this mean? I blame it on the parents and the schools for saying you have any brain power at all because right now I see you all have the mentality of a 3 year old girl crying because she lost her rubber ducky in the shitter. Love you all your friendly jackass.
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Date: 2004/05/08 02:07:35 EDT
To: the assassin
From: germ
Subject: what the hell
slow down before you have a stroke rag master.... trust me speaking arabic will get you shot....but really, none of these ppl here want some fucking prick with a brain thats bigger than his dick, and if u want to be smart about it, dont put periods and question marks without the fuckin commas, you failed the english test bitch, and the arabians hate you now, for one, you neglected to tell anyone what the fuck you just said, ÎÇÔãíß ÅíÝÊÇåí ÅíÎáÇÓí ÃÎíÓí íÇ ÔÇÑãæÊ æÇ, my gosh, now they hate me too, and yes you are our favorite jackass, but the arab stole your plow, and i blame your parents for letting you stay up reading the translations dictionaries and such, you fuckin fag, stay on the subject on how we act rather bring some smartass comment like "i know more languages than you do", it still makes me wonder if u even know half the shit u talk about in life, yeah bitch, you just got walked on.. have a nice day, looking forward to seeing what comeback you bring to me
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walked on