Weekday blues

Aug 23, 2007 18:26

Hey ppl..

Dammit. stupid rich text doesn't work.. sigh.
can't complain that much. at least i can update..

I've got the weekday blahs.. =( i want it to be the weekend.
Strangely tho, im dead afraid of the weekend. I used to have something to look fwd to. Now, the weekends are filled with mystery and time, time and freedom for myself.. but at the same time, i miss the stability of things.

Anyways, on a more positive note, i FINALLY have a new phone. yay me! (which may or may not be changed into a even newer, more suited to me phone)
but here it is!

Sony Ericson K618i, my new phone, courtesy of Maxis.

w00t! can't wait for the samsung... babe! hurry ur ass up.. u better not hve forgotten.... =p

Cheers people. im off to grumble MORE abt work. And hopefully, tomorrow night won't b a dull one. i'll just kill myself if i have to stay indoors.. =S After the week ive had, there's so much pent up frustration that needs to be let out.
preferably with friends.. omg i need a rant/bitch/chill session.
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