(no subject)

Jun 24, 2007 02:54

i admire the way some people can just come up with dozens of things to write about day in and day out.
for me, as much as i would love to write, the simple act of typing up an entry takes up enormous effort. i think it's the lack of focus. when i write i dont particularly think of a topic, i just rant and rant and rant. -.-

in anycase, as promised, new photos =)
here's to those of you who still have not seen me in the past 2 weeks.
(smth is wrong with the damn pic upload thingy.. so u guys hafta do a bit of work and clicky clicky on the links)

pic 1
pic 2

will update again soon. (see, hopeless. my attention span for writing has diminished to near zero. -.-)
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