Oct 26, 2003 12:12
So one can not understand what is going on in my head right now. I never tought I would have this problem (or maybe I never tought I woul call it a problem). But here's the deal...
I have wayy too many male names in my head. I really do.
Remember the camp guy? Well, always have in mind that I had a crush on him for two years or so. And then, I get him and as usual, something inside me doesn't want him anymore....I don't know. I'm trying to fight that, because I know myself and it really really bothers me. He's really shy and the other day he asked me to go to the movies some time and I said yes, and was really exited about it...
But then...there's also this other guy (let's call him Jan)...he got online right after this guy (let's call him Fer (yes, I will get sick of calling people Fer and will make this friends only some day I guess *sigh*) ) asked me to go to the movies and Itotally forgot about the exitment, you should've seen me, all exited and suddenly the MSN window opened and my face turned completely. Now, I've talked about Jan here before... He's the guy from the entry on september 14