Mar 10, 2005 20:39
My name is Eugen Bescaravainii and i made this journal to share my thoughts with whoever is interested in finding out stuff about me and everything that is happening to me.
I am 16 years old and i can say that i hava a good life, but i hear other people in here saying that they have a bad life and start thinking that they will never acomplish anything in their lives and they probably wont with this kind of attitude but i have to say something that may change their oppinion and will help them realize that not everything is lost.
...I am 16 years old and 9 of them i lived without my parents.
Aproximately 17 years ago my mom and dad worked at a factory in my town and ecverything was great, my dad worked as a driver and my mom worked something else i dont remember what. As i said, everything was going good, my family ws well known in the town because my father has a really generous heart and he helped everybody who asked him anything and whenever they asked, so you can realize that we had a lot of friends, plus, the boss of the factory was my dad's best friend who he knew since school, probably that was why he hired him as his first driver when the factory opened. My parents worked there before i was born and they thought that this was the way it will always be, but they made a big misstake it wasnt that way.
I was probably 6 years old when the factory bankrupted and had to close, and it happened that way that as my dad was the first driver to ge t the job, he was the first to lose it, few days later my mom lost her job too.
It was the end of the fall when this happened, and in my country we have gardens in which we plant vegetables and have trees with fruits, we did not expect that the garden will be our primary and probably only source of food. We were lucky to plant a lot of vegetables for the winter as we always do, and we had a lot of food as we looked but... eventually it ended , and it happened in the middle of the winter and the only thing that we had left was marinated cabbage,...and thats all we ate for almost 2 months,...fried cabbage , boiled cabbage, and even uncoocked, we were sick of eating it but, all of my dads friends VANISHED after he was fired.
We had a shed made of wood and some wood left from the year before and that was how we kept ourselves warm. Nobody wanted to loan us money because they knew that it would be a long time till we would somehow be able to pay them back so... We got out of the winter and started working in the garden to prepare for the next winter. My parents would help other people do stuff for money to buy food but something happened and our family started to fall appart.
My dad thought that it was my mothers fault that all that happened, i still dont understand why... :( . Soon my dad would go work for people in the town by himself and he didnt bring money home and would always home drunk and i me and my brother would whitness unending fights and they were not only arguing, they were actually fighting, my mom often would get beaten and we would have to run away from home till next morning or for 2 days... One time we had to run away in only our pijamas and with no shoes was very hard.
My mom would still take us back home and try to make things work out with dad because that was a time when our family had to be more united than ever,...too bad my dad didnt understand.
My mom would stay home and work in the garden, my brother went to scghool, at least that was free, but he had to go to school in my dads old clotes or in the old ones he had that were really small but ther e was nothing to do, some neighbors saw that we were going down and would give us the old clothes of theyr own children that they didnt wear.
Sometime later we found out that my dad has spend the money on alcohol and he also had an affair with a woman in the town nearours, that woman worked at the same factory only that she had the money to move out and settled on a better job.
My mom would constantly cry and she didnt know what to do anymore and one day i remember she went to the drugstore and bought some pills then when she came home later we waited for my dad to come home. Once again, he came home drunk but in new clothes and smelling very nice.
Once again there was a big fight and my mom got the pills out, told us that she was sorry and took all the pills at the same time and went to bed. we sat on the floor near the bed and stood there listening to her breath, some time later we noticed that she started breathing slower and slower and we knew that that wad it. My brother started crying and he ran outside. i still sat dad was sitting at the table and it seemed that he didnt care, and i knew something bad was about to happen,.suddenly, the door opened and my brother came in with a friend of my grandma who once was a nurse and we told her what happened. She looked at my father without saying anything and went home and called an ambulance.
They took my mom to the hospital and she got well and i suppose that my dad realizid what he almost lost, but it was too and my brother were being asked already who we want to be with in case of a divorce, my mom thought there is nothing left to do. :(
I didnt know what to say and my brother didnt say a word either but they somehow worked it out and everybody was amazed how patient and forgiving my mom was.
My dads affair ended and he quit drinking and there was one friend of dis left who helped him get another job. We finally started to live someow, we paied for the electicity and the phone, we had food from the garden and money that my dad would get.
We had a black and white TV but it was older that my brother and it didnt worked, we had it til like 5 years ago, lol, so all we did in our free time is playing cards with mom.
once, the same friend that helped my dad get his job came to use the phone to call to russia and he did and when he was leaving he told my dad: "i'm going to russia to work , if you want and can find the money for the ticket i'll take you with me because i see what situation you are in"
M dad thought about it and he foud $100 and he left to russia, we didnt hear from him for 5 months but he did send us money and when he finally called he asked my mom to go there too.
He sent money for the ticket and she left too and me and my brother remained home with my grandma with whom i lived for 9 years.
The would come once a year to visit and then go back, they always sent money when they had any to send because they had to pay for the appartment and their own food.
They worked all this time and the one thing they boughtis a car which we have for 2 years now, they did buy us clothes and what we needed and that was what they worked for.
Well, they worked there for 9 or maybe 10 years, i dont actualy know anymore but not less than 9. And it finally happened, they got deported and they cant go back so since i came here their main source of food now was the car, they spent all the money they had for me to get here with some clothes and they did what they could for me to come here and people wouldnt think of me in some bad way but look as normal as possible, tho i didnt even come here with my own luggage, we had to get it from some friends who are waiting on me to go back and return it.
Right now my dad has a job, my brother is in the army where he will be for 2 more months, and i am here, for 3 and so ething more months :( and i will be leaving soon.
What this all is about is that i see a lot of people whose families are divorced, but they probably dont have a very good reason to be, what i am proud of, is that my family has been through so much, and we are still a you people should take something from all this...
Bescaravainii Eugen Vladimir
The End.