(no subject)

Jan 08, 2004 22:37

k. so i got in this fight last night with a guy friend of mine. he told me to fuck off and i was sorry because i accidently hung up on him the other night. i even told him i was sorry. he called me and lectured me.. and then told me he was sorry and he was a jerk. however he called me today. i did not answer the phone because i didn't want to hear his crap. he got online.. and well fighting again. i hate fighting......

AlmKeeton4 [10:08 PM]: ....
DoraCheerChic [10:09 PM]: so..
DoraCheerChic [10:10 PM]: ur actually talkin to me...
AlmKeeton4 [10:11 PM]: i wouldnt call it that
DoraCheerChic [10:12 PM]: lol wel then what would you call it?
AlmKeeton4 [10:12 PM]: im sympathizing
DoraCheerChic [10:12 PM]: sympathizing.. for what?
AlmKeeton4 [10:13 PM]: your loss
DoraCheerChic [10:13 PM]: what did i lose?
AlmKeeton4 [10:13 PM]: me
DoraCheerChic [10:13 PM]: you? we weren't dating. so what did i lose?
AlmKeeton4 [10:13 PM]: who says u have to be dating someone to lose them
DoraCheerChic [10:15 PM]: lol well i don't see what we are losing seein that i have never even met you. and why would i want to meet someone that told me to fuck off and yelled at me like my dang father does...... so if anyone shouldbe sympathizing it should be me and i should be sypathizing for you losing whatever bit of interest i had in you
DoraCheerChic [10:15 PM]: so what was you calling me for earlier? to lecture me again like you did last night?? or to apolize like you did in the text message last night?
AlmKeeton4 [10:16 PM]: i did the apologizing
AlmKeeton4 [10:16 PM]: last nite
DoraCheerChic [10:16 PM]: i know. so you were calling to what talk..?
AlmKeeton4 [10:17 PM]: yeh
AlmKeeton4 signed off at 10:17 PM

then he IMs me from another sn...

lvlateDate [10:17 PM]: hi
DoraCheerChic [10:17 PM]: hello
lvlateDate [10:18 PM]: its michael
DoraCheerChic [10:18 PM]: oh ok.
lvlateDate [10:19 PM]: u dont tell me i act like your dad
lvlateDate [10:19 PM]: maybe i knocked some sense in ya
DoraCheerChic [10:20 PM]: um well you were. my dad treats me like crap. i said i was sorry and you go "yeah you are kinda sorry" that is the exact statement my father says to me. you kept telling me to repeat some crap you said to me on the internet and that is the exact crap he does to me. so yeah you were acting like him and that isn't a good thing
lvlateDate [10:20 PM]: well it isnt a 'good thing' to hang up on someone either
DoraCheerChic [10:21 PM]: hum i know it isn't but i also didn't mean to either.
lvlateDate [10:22 PM]: and i mean to act like your father?
DoraCheerChic [10:22 PM]: no. but you don't have to tell me to fuck off over a phone call even after i apologized
lvlateDate [10:23 PM]: blah blah
DoraCheerChic [10:23 PM]: blah. blah is right
lvlateDate [10:23 PM]: yep
DoraCheerChic [10:24 PM]: humm..
lvlateDate [10:25 PM]: jus hush for u say something u regret
DoraCheerChic [10:25 PM]: i wasn't saying anything.
lvlateDate [10:25 PM]: just in case u decide to
lvlateDate [10:25 PM]: dont
DoraCheerChic [10:26 PM]: lol ok.
lvlateDate [10:27 PM]: laugh it up
lvlateDate [10:27 PM]: gimmie a big smile
DoraCheerChic [10:27 PM]: i enjoy laughing so maybe i will.
lvlateDate [10:27 PM]: well laugh yourself on out my life
DoraCheerChic [10:27 PM]: ok. now why are you being rude again..
lvlateDate [10:28 PM]: just tellin u straight up
DoraCheerChic [10:28 PM]: k you apologized.. and then you called me but when you tlak to me on here. you are rude.
DoraCheerChic [10:28 PM]: i'm confused
lvlateDate [10:28 PM]: stay that way
DoraCheerChic [10:29 PM]: um yeah.
DoraCheerChic [10:29 PM]: i'm not trying to be funny or mean but do you have a personality disorder where you change from being happy to moody?
DoraCheerChic [10:33 PM]: ..because the other night you were so friendly.. and now you act like you hate me
lvlateDate [10:33 PM]: i do hate u
DoraCheerChic [10:33 PM]: over a phone call?
lvlateDate [10:33 PM]: now go away
lvlateDate [10:33 PM]: over a buncha shit
DoraCheerChic [10:33 PM]: where i accidently hung up on you.... you hate someone over that..
DoraCheerChic [10:33 PM]: lol i haven't done anything else to you. i told you i sorry not just once but 900 times. there's not more you can do than say you are sorry
DoraCheerChic [10:36 PM]: so what's the other reasons michael?
lvlateDate [10:36 PM]: wat your doin rite now
lvlateDate [10:36 PM]: is another reason
DoraCheerChic [10:37 PM]: what am i doing right now..
DoraCheerChic [10:37 PM]: i'm talking. i'm being a normal person. like how normal ppl talk...
DoraCheerChic [10:39 PM]: so if that annoys you haha. then i guess i should act all piss off and maybe we would get along
lvlateDate [10:40 PM]: go 2 bed
DoraCheerChic [10:40 PM]: lol dang you read my mind i was just bout to do that....... seeing as all my friends are getting off right now.
lvlateDate [10:41 PM]: awsumm
DoraCheerChic [10:41 PM]: yup. good night. and sweet dreams to you sir.
lvlateDate [10:42 PM]: shutup with that silly bullcrap please
DoraCheerChic [10:42 PM]: um that is how i talk.. lol don't let the bed bugs bite.
lvlateDate [10:42 PM]: dont let it bother u when i block u

haha i hate stupid people like you MICHAEL!! Die. Die. Die. thank you very much.
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