Zzzz zz zzz zzz zzz zzz (Not sleeping, it's the LL Cool J song!)

Mar 31, 2006 20:06

When will I get a new computer that doesn't have shit loads of viruses, and makes me unable to use MSN. MSN is a 16 year old dream. Talk to people, get answers for stuff, be awesome. (Note : Get new vocabulary!)

We watched L&O in Law class again. Guess what, the title of the episode was called, "Subterreanean (sp?) Homeboy Blues", and I almost screamed out, "BOB DYLAN!" Except it was 'Homesick' in the song.. wow.. THEN the most awesome thing happened. In Ben Stone's (Michael Moriarty, the ADA guy) office, there was a picture of RFK on the wall. I saw it, and looked at Vanessa and Ashley and said, "Yo! It's RFK, look!" Everywhere I go, I see RFK, remember in "Good Night and Good Luck"? YEAH, I saw it, and I couldn't believe it. McCarthy is the only political guy I don't think is hot by the way. Also Lyndon Johnson, just because he sounds like a big douche in these tapes I heard of him calling these people who made pants for him. He talked about his balls and how they were constricted by the pants they made. Also, he had toilet conversations, which really grosses me out.


The one who said "Birth of a Nation" was a sick film.

Janet Reno

John Dean (What a douche-bag)

All the other Nixon advisors that were in the Watergate scandal (Hadelman, Erlichmann, ewwy gross Kissinger. Remember the picture of him picking his nose, and then eating it? I saw it!)

Gerald Ford (So not cool either. But, I kinda have the problems he did. I always fall over, all the time. Terrible balance. Fell down the stairs so many times. Fell on my ass so many times.)

GWB (Yeah, kinda obvious)

Dick Cheney (Not because he shoots people. Because they should know to get the hell outta the VICE-PRESIDENT'S WAY! Biyatch!)

Eisenhower (Because.. old, gross, Republican, wait.. he liked Nixon. Uh, wait once more. I remember him saying when someone asked him 'what did Nixon achieve when he was V.P.', and Ike said, 'Uh, I'll get back to you on that, I'll have to check.' That's what made Nixon lose. Or, was it his sweaty demeanor, and gross-ness. Hmm? Oh, well that's it.)

Truman (Uh, don't even remember him sometimes, not a distinct enough face)

All the other Presidents that aren't hot.


Bill Clinton (I'll suck his dick anyday!)

RFK (I'd suck his dick anyday!)

JFK (same as above)

Joe Biden (YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! HOT!)

FDR (same as above, above, above)

RICHARD M. NIXON (Hey, I'd shread papier pour Nixon tout les jours, parce qu'il est tres sexy! Mais, c'est l'idé de Nixon qui est sexy, pas le actuel personne. Oui. Why did I get all French?)

To be continued..


Ilana taught me some Russian today after we talked about Onegin's tragic life, and Dostoevsky's father being killed in a bar fight (drowned in liquor, as I said it). She said I was good at pronouncing the words. It's because in Somali, and Arabic there's all those same noises. I was telling her that, and then Heather came by while I was making sounds a la 'Felix Ungar' and she looked at me all wierd. The noises were like, 'Khaaa', and 'Rrrr', and 'Haaaaa' (like spitting 'Haaaaa') Plus, I like to sing "Le Internationale" (Kesha is a communist, she's cool) all the time when I have "le free time".
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