holy sweetness <3

Sep 26, 2004 17:56

i havent written in forever, and i have so much to write about... ((i'll probably forget stuff))

where should i start?? marching band sounds good..

at our first competition, our homeshow, went really well :D mohonasen came in first,  we came in second ((with a score 70.7)), and phoenix came in third. YEAH!! we beat PHOENIX! fisrt time ever that j'town has beaten them, woot :O our 2nd competition was yesterday at oswego. we came in second ((70.9.. considering scores arent adjusted anymore, im not sure if thats good or not compared to last week.. we could have been overcored at our homeshow)) phoenix came in first, surprise, surprise :D

dance started two weeks ago-ish.. my class is huge compared to last year, going from a class with four ppl in it to a class with 15 is horrible ;p

I GOT MY HAIR CUT :O  its so short! like, it used to be past my shoulders, and now in the back its like, an inch long (maybe) but i love it sooo much :D i wasnt nervous at all to get it cut, i just sat there telling my hairdresser lady about how all the boys in our school look exactly the same. long, brown, curly hair. my hair is shorter than most of the guys in our school. but my hair doesnt make me look like a boy, despite what alex says ;p stupid hooch ((i love you alex!))  ill post a pic soon..

there is this biotch in my school that hates me.. it all started in p.e. when i had a headache, and shes was yelling about something (( and this girl has the most annoying voice ever)) and i asked her to shut up.. and shes said a bunch of shit, and how i was a stupid freshman. ((but really, shes a dumb ass sophmore. shes in most of my classes, silly hyena.) and so she thinks she has the whole school hating me, which is just stupid because i have a lot of friends that have my back.. and i dont think she expected that, so now she doesnt know how to get to me. and guard had a sectional and the field hockey team ( she just happens to be on, and has most of that team against me, too) had practice at the same time. they were running laps all aound the fields, haha, and when they were running around they were all like, hey look, there she is! with mr jones right there, how stupid are they? so mr jones went to talk to their coaches about it. they had to run like, five longggg extra laps. hah. i win :D (( even though it will probably make them more mad. )) theyre just a bunch of talk. they cant kick my ass, my leg maybe, but definately not my ass. that would just be silly. << thats just some of it. most of yall already know about it, so you know that shes just a stupid hyena. that had to run extra laps.

hmmm, what else?? oh!! theres a boy! well, duh.. but he's like, the hottest guy ive ever liked :D (usually i go for ugly guys, you know they ones with the long curly brown hair) but this uys totally opposite. hes got short blonde hair. ( i was just thinking, im probably stupid for saying this, because there are really few guys with short blonde hair) hes really cute too, like he smiles at me a lot. and we've talked and stuff.. so maybe <3 holy sweetness, there's actually one guys i like. haha. well, theres another. but were just really good friends. and im totally fine with that :)

well, my life is just dandy right now. i never realized ( well, yeah i did, but shh..) how wonderul me friends are :D  woot, woot..

alex, sarah, cassie, emma, courtney, steve,  joey, tj, all my other non-guardies** thanks for always having my back. i lo' you, i lo' you, with all my heart <3 well, maybe not all my heart, i dont know how much of it i can give it up to, considering i need it to perform blood stuff, or w/e ( i told you i shouldnt be in advance science & math, heh)  thank you , my loves <333

i have to go write a stupid english essay about collaborating with enemy ppl in my country or something, i dont know. math too. funfun :( well, at least english comes as a gift to me, so that should be okay. hah, love you all <3 and my hair ;p
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