Apr 13, 2007 18:15
I would like to take this opportunity to simply say
"Damn you Ben and your crazy questions that make me lay in bed at night thinking!"
Past that, Dostoyevski is amazing if you haven't read the Brothers Karamazov yet, do so.
I have been reading so much lately its nuts.
The Sunflower, amazing... strikes a question as to the rights of forgiveness. Read it.
The Hot Zone... simply terrifying... Stephen King said it best: "The First chapter of The Hot Zone is the most terrifying thing I have read in my entire life... and then it gets worse."
It so terrifying, truthful, and alerting to the scary possibilities that threaten the fragility of our reality and existence... read it. You will never got to Africa after.
The war of the ancients (for you Warcraft lovers) is a great trilogy.
Life is simply alright at the moment. Bored to death of WoW due to lack of raiding and progression, working my ass off to get as many hours at work as possible, paying off nearly 1,000 saved up. I have enough to move, just need more to afford a car. Talked to my manager... well more like got caught off guard talkign tohim and stammered to him about what my goals were. don't you hate it when you can't find the words you are looking for when you need to, and someone is staring at you hard and you get all nervous? fucking sucks. he thinks I am crazy am sure now and all kindsa not ready to be anything more than a barista. which sucks, I want shift supervisor so bad... I am a leader lol, and the people who are shifts now SUCK and are total idiots...
one... bubbles... should not be a shift, EVERYONE says/knows it... even the managers... just... they are too nice to let her go lol.
but thus is life, idiots move a head those who are loyal get ass raped.
must read more so now I go.