Take over, the break's over

Dec 01, 2007 02:29

Final offical count on Nano: 33279. Well, that's 1110 words a day on average, give or take a crackbunny.

As a wrap-up, that writer's meme that I've seen around:

Ten Signs you're reading a fic by B2WM:

1. While there's usually some reference to a romantic relationship, the major focus is more often on friendship or family relations.

2. To go with that, sorry, but no porn. Some subtext, intentional or otherwise, sure, graphics, no.

3. The onscreen action content tends to be fairly low. The fic is much higher in reflections and dialogue than violence and slapstick. (And sometimes plot, for that matter.)

4. At least 75% of the characters are male, usually including at least one elder. I try to include interactions between women, but it's not as natural a thing for me to write. Blame it on having grown up with brothers if you will.

5. If one can get away without naming a character outright, the name probably won't be in there. Yays for useful places for descriptions and character traits?

6. OCs in their places are love. There will probably be several minor spear carriers or a narrator who doesn't really affect the main storyline as much as the canons.

7. The fic will jump all over, subject and timeline-wise, especially on my longer pieces. Which brings us to number eight.

8. The fic will probably be very short, a collection of interrelated one-shots, or never finished. I mean to finish the last ones, but it'll be a while.

9. With a few exceptions, (see "Wargs to Live By" and "Missing Letters," for instance,) any fic in a certain fandom will share a continuity with all my other fics in that fandom. I know some authors who can do twelve versions of how Eomer and Lothiriel met and then another half dozen on how Zoe warmed up to Wash, but once I've got one bit of fanon, I tend to stick by it until canon Josses it. This is why I like closed canon.

10. Animals are a very popular theme in my works. They don't show up in every fic, but they're there as often as not.

Do you has moar?

nano, quiz, fic

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