My Card

Oct 15, 2004 16:09

Just a little trading card meme fun.

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition


User Number:

Date Created:2004

Number of Posts: 15

B2WM has taken her love of Wargs too far. She's a rabid House of Hurin Defender, a member of Deleterius, and occasional fanfic writer. She's also crazy about Discworld.
She is involved in a Mary-Sue Instant Messenger Role Playing game which she loves to bitch about but enjoys, save for the grammar errors. Displayed here are two of her favorite RPG characters, the thief Gemini, a cynical bastard, & the watchman Akira, a delusional Marty-Stu.

Strengths: Biology & book geek

Weaknesses: Boromir luster

Special Skills: Grammar Beta, Random sense of humor

Weapons: Teeth, spork, Warg breath

Life philosopy: "It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people."
- Terry Prachett, "Good Omens."

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d/f, art, mary sue, rpg, lotr, disc, wargs, quiz

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