Sep 03, 2004 23:15
Feeling rather snarky tonight, so a few select quotes from Flamette, ala deleterius:
Story Or Series Title: Kin of Death
Fandom: sorta Terry Prachett, except that she can't spell it, mostly... Original no.
Culprit Author's Name: Mazkouprincess
Full Name (plus titles if any):Flamette Anubis Dashi, Princess of the Realm of Forever & Reaperess (Her word) in training
Full Species(es):Half-demon, half mortal witch
Hair Color (include adjectives):lovely reddish brown hair
Eye Color (include adjectives):icy blue, usually, but they change to red when she's angry.
Unusual Markings/Colorations:Should have a skull plate and several large scars after her return to life, except she's too spesul for them... Can also develop skeletal fingers without warning.
Special Possessions (if any):a special transporting necklace, (which destroys the logic behind the first bloody half of the fic, except that she's just plain stupid and irresponsible,) another charm that renders her invisible, scythes that she pulls from midair
Annoying Origin: Death's mortal form and the womb of another Sue
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters:Is one, in her own little world...
Annoying Special Abilities: Can fly, recover from mortal wounds after a bath and a nice nap, "profitic" dreams, changes the structure of her hands without warning, yet whines if one gives her even a temporary whole-body transformation, magical necklaces, magical weapons, am I forgetting anything?
Other Annoying Traits: Cannot spell worth shit. Is unendingly horny and perverse. And she's as hypocritical as I am.
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:
After she's cornered her boyfriend Akira, who I play, and Akira heads for the hills rather than fuck with her:
-"I simply pray we haven't frightened him off. Mortals don't know about our needs." Ganny said, sheathing her weapon. "I will explain once he gets back, but avoid being alone with him, Flamette. You shouldn't tempt yourself more than is necessary."
She nodded. She teleported to look for Akira. "I must tell him. For goodness sakes he must of [have] taken sex aid [ed] right, so talking about demoness sexuality needs it nothing new, right?" she thought.
"Girl never listens. It's in one ear and out the other," Ganny grumbled, heading out the door.
Mary Sue to the rescue!
Flamette very angry with Dark Face; he had taken her best friend Gem's mind and destroyed Ganny home [Funny, I play Ganny and I always thought she was a demon] and threatened her that he would kill her and do away with both her lover and her father. She knew not taken it laying down she demon princess wanted into Ganny's weapon room took a very nice scythe which was hers anyway, she hear her father a while back planning it as a birthday gift. Never say secret behind her back she ears like a hawk. [And the brains of a sheep!]Putting her hair back with a sweatband and placed her lovely reddish brown hair up in a ponytail. Once then she and Akira rode off to the Shadow realm. Lighting and thunder could be seen and heard. "He knows we are coming." She whispered as she rode a black breed horse [An entire breed of horses are known simply as black... You learn all sorts of shit with Sues.] and pulled it by its rains. "We shall save Gem. I swear of it." Her eyes glowed bright red with anger just like her father.
Minions from the high mountain fortress watched her and Akira. "Master, it's her...and she looks well pissed."
Flamette knew if Ganny know her father found out of her leaving to take Dark face on her own she would so be punished bad, but she didn't care; her friend was there and they were doing even god don't know what to him. Thinking of that made her almost cry of she loved all her friends dearly like family.
Flamette some worried about Gem didn't notice the fact she road like week to the shadow realm were out sleeping not resting and eating, once death's daughter has a plan nothing would stop her, nothing.
She then stopped at the huge gates of Dark Face's fortress and then gulped as she pulled back. "Akira... I am scared,” she said as she turned back to him, even he wasn't tried or sleepy or hungry like she was.
"I care not what the girl does," Dark Face sneered. "'Tis too late for her to defend herself now. I added my own special mix to that 'sleeping potion' our unwilling young agent stabbed her with. Dark Face growled at his captive, who had been picked up once more by one of his spies. Shrikien had done well; seducing him and forcing him back to the lair.
While the timeless Shadow Realm had eased their passage somewhat, Akira's hunger and sleepless nights were beginning to catch up with him. He had felt tired and out of sync for a long time. Still, he tried to comfort his fiancée. "We hide, rest, and recover our strength. Tonight, we'll find some way to sneak in. All that time with Gem has at least taught me a few things about finding a back door." Akira's smile twitched. Despite Ganny and Flamette's reassurances, he wasn't sure he could still trust his former friend.
Flamette listen to him as he told her his to senses she mounted her horse as she pulled it to a nearby brush and looked up at the huge stone made fortress. "Gem is in there somewhere. We shall save him." Her eyes looked at that huge fortress as if she had a brother in there. Her heartstrings pulled tighter and tight as horrible thoughts of Gem being hurt and toyed with crossed her mind. He was friend and even if he wasn't a friend or an enemy but someone just hated her she would still save him. She knew about remorse and knew even if mean people were caught they needed to save too, but killers and rapists, now never. [Mm-hmm... Watch it..] "Yes you are right my daring, but if one of daddy's minions came to find us we must lay low of I can't take a chance of being seen for we must save him."
Akira was already searching out a hiding place, securing shade and enough room for a pair of sleepers, but no more. "I think the walls look scalable, given plenty of time. We'll have to turn the horses loose. There's no way you can send them back home, is there?"
"Yes it is true, but they find their own way home." She smiled at him both as she pat their noses. "Midnight, Fog. Listen go home and wait for me there we will be back I promise." Kissing both of their sweet horse noses, she watched them run off.
"They'll hear them," Akira motioned frantically towards the walls, but the fortress remained quiet. Too quiet. They were walking into a trap.
Ganny had noticed the missing blade first, and then heard the horses returning. Both were riderless, but unharmed. "She ran off," the demoness told her employer. "After all the warnings, after what happened to us before, she ran off." Ganny favored her broken arm; a disbelieving tone growing in her voice as Death merely considered her with his skeletal smile.
"My daughter must handle this in her own way, Ganny. It is her battle to fight, and she will find a way."
"Her way is liable to give me a heart attack," the old demoness growled. "We must follow her. She needs a cool head if she's going to survive this encounter. You know how flighty she is."
"True," Death said, a touch of sorrow in his voice. "But I merely said she will find a way. The time for cool heads and surviving is past." Death held up a life timer, watching the last few grains slide on their inexorable journey.
She climbed up the castle wall it with her long demonic nails, she was kind of cool having demon genes for they some time helped her, she told once she did arms the guards at the door she will lend Akira in. "Ah.... ah..." she said out of breath.”This is more of work out when then daddy taught me how to sword-fight," she said to herself; out of breath, and then made it to a window and saw it was closed. "Shit." She never really said such words unless she was really scared - no really piss. [Well, she is a piece of dreck all the time, but still, another statement to watch...] She then said a little spell and called forth guest of wind from the wind gods to blow it [Insert Horn of Gondor Joke Here] and she hopped in the window and slowly ride the walls [And here] as she watched all guards and all sides. "Alright legs don't fail me now." she started to run past them all as her scythe was out, and jumped left and right, looking like death himself by the way she flung it from side to side when all fall lifeless she didn't feel bad since they where all condemned dead evil souls anyway. [Mercy? Remorse? What are those things again?] She then panting open up the huge gate doors. "See? Piece of cake." she said to her love.
"This seems familiar enough," Akira returned her grin. "Come on, and keep to the walls and shadows. Don't act like you're running, but walk fast, like you belong here," he instructed her, putting his words into effect. "I wish we had something to help us blend in, but burglars can't be choosers, as Gem always said." That's Lawrence Block's Bernard G. Rhondenbarr I'm quoting, for the uninitiated. *hugs Bernie* He's my #1 source for Gem's character. Then Rincewind, then Alfie Dolittle... nm.]
Flamette then gulped. "Well, I stole this from daddy a ways back." She held up a necklace around her neck. It had odd marking on it. [Only one?] "It only gives us 10 minutes, but we shall be in unnoticed. Daddy would use it for some reason; I know not why, but it shall help us. She then placed it around both of their necks and turned it on. As they vanished she then removed it from him. "All right, let’s go." They both ran into the fortress.
"There," Akira pointed towards a building. There were guards outside it, but no one was going in and out. The watchman recognized the manner of bored soldiers easily enough, and he hoped that whatever it was they were guarding was of little danger.
The scythe in her hands would be gone too; she came down on the guards as some fall and made the others jump a little back in fear. "What happen to Dole, he just died?"
"Flamette," Akira grabbed her scythe with one hand, the other upon her mouth. He shook his head warningly. As the guards circled, trying to figure out what had just happened; Akira eased the door shut behind him after dragging Flamette in. "We don't want any sign of our passage. We've toed the line enough with those horses and getting in the gate."
She growled..."But Akira...I want blood revenge. They hurt are dear friend, don't you see?" she said. Even though they could see one other no one else could. She leaned against the wall and pouted at him. "And also being part demon that’s our downfall: we demons lust for blood for our friends’ killers and hurters." [Redemption knowledge and bloody common sense go bye-bye.]
"Control it," he mandated. "You think I wouldn't like a bit of action out there? You think my emotions haven't stretched any chance of calm to the quick? Flamette, I am scared stiff right now, and if you do something so - so stupid like that again, you should count yourself lucky that Dark Face will likely kill us both before I fly off the handle at you." Akira had begun pacing restlessly, exploring the room for some clue for their mission. "I was hoping we might be able to listen in on them, as few people are chattier than night watch members." He let a reminiscent grin slip over his features and then sighed. "Stay here, I'll listen at the door."
Flamette pouted at him, as he walked off, a little angry. The first huge fight between the two lovers. She started to walk off by herself as she hissed. "I love him but right now I can't stand to be around him. How dare he say such things! I know we are not married but all say honor your wife and husband and he didn't." Sighs..."But that’s alright he is a guy after all they are all asses to some point." [Perfection? check. M4d fiting ski1lz? check. Bitchiness? check. The Sue is in the house!]
The Death of a Sue
She hissed. Her eyes looking so maccob [macabre?] and every scary as would seem even day she would more of her father’s mind and personality. "DARK FACE!"
“Is that all?" Dark Face raised an eyebrow. "I thought your kind liked to have some kind of speech in which you justify your reasons for murder. But unfortunately, I've no time for it, as much as I'd enjoy listening to you." He disarmed her more easily than Akira had, considering her scythe as his minion secured her binds. "The blade of the apprentice," he stroked the edge lovingly. "Used to be mine once. Wonder if I still have the skill." He swung it through the air.
She then called forth another one and grinned, “I have more where that comes from as you can see.” She spun it in her hands. "I want Gem back and you dead. And I want revenge for my mother's death as well; the mother I never knew." She walked close to him, with her cozy mindset and one thing death to shadow realm's master. Little did she know her life was on the line. She then came running at full force and dew her scythe at him.
"You want revenge for your mother's death, and I want revenge for the loss of my father. For Death was a father to me at one time, girl, until your witch of a mother came along. She broke all the rules and expected to get away with it. Oh, she claimed an abusive father and a dead mother and the whole damned sob story, but I've seen mortals in much worse off positions. Mortals that took some dignity in death, and happiness in life. Your mother, the spoiled, self-righteous bitch, only attained her happiness by leeching it away from others. Death has become a brooding man, has he not? Obsessed with revenge? I knew him when he was happy, when he could take pride in the little things in his household. When he could smile with me and his servants worked for him out of love. Now none but that old hound of his dare jump without him calling 'toad.'" Dark Face blocked her blow, and retaliated with one of his own. Read her description of Haruna's past and see if you're not cheering D.F. on. I know I was, but then, I'm partial to the crazy dude. He's my first Major domo baddie.]
She hissed as she fall back her weapon, "Lies! Daddy loved Mommy; that I do remember; they were the might of each other. Fate wanted it that way, and I was born to no doubt kill you one day of her death." [*Headesk* No, it still makes no sense.] she said with so much angry ranting, and cut his eye. It fell out to the floor. She grinned. "Oh my, it would seem I blinded you in one...excellent." she hissed like a snake
"I saw well enough then, as I do now." Dark Face's blow knocked Flamette to the floor. As the air was forced from her lungs, he turned the scythe so that the blade was brought into play. Flamette's hand jerked to her chest, and came away with blood. "It is over." She could only watch as the blade came down once more, between her eyes.
She saw it come down; as she didn't close her eyes it wouldn't be right of death's daughter to do such things, as it came down. She got quick flashes of when she meet the boys and kissed Akira of the first time, remembered how she fought with her father and never said sorry even to this day, but she did in others but still she felt horrible, she then remembered how she would remember her love on her last minutes of life, rude and cold to her, [ and sensible] as tears rolled down her face.
Dark Face considered his opponent, the blood still gushing from her opened stomach and head, mixing with fluids from her brain. "It is over," he repeated, slowly raising a hand to his wounded eye. "Find the boy. Her mortal toy will not have strayed far from his mistress." It was done, but had it been worth it? His master would not take him back. Death had been poisoned too long by the witch and her pup. The shadow realms, as well as the mortal realm, had been marred by his vendetta. Her influence was gone, but it would not be quickly forgotten or repaired. Dark Face realized he no longer knew what to do. Haruna had finally destroyed him, after all. He laughed despite himself. Revenge was a dish best served cold, but it left you empty either way.
The sad thing about the poor princess she looked so perfect still, well kind still intact her eyes closed, her head laid in a pool of her own blood as do did her whole body. It would be too soon when death would get a call to claim her soul too but was she really that far gone, her reddish brown hair laid on the pool of blood as her beautiful angel sick [Actually, she mentioned right after posting that she meant skin, but the description is just too precious.] was covered from cheek to cheek in it. Her skin showed a little as it was torn around her belly, as she had a huge slice down her chest but was lying in the position where no one could see. [Uh, huh. *rereading my post* Sure.]
And unfortunately, she comes back from the dead, but that's enough for one night...
mary sue,