Occasionally, one gets stuck on a piece, (Damn you, Eowyn... stay IC...) and while searching for the plotbunnies, one begins to think about just which muses tend to grant you those happy little nugzul. I've been trying to divide mine by category. This is the current result:
- The Mooning Muse: Never much for serious fic, this one at least offers me a unique view on character personality. This is what hits when I'm inspired to write thought-heavy, action limited fic that kicks some of the old ideas of fandom around from the slightly tipsy point of view of any character. It rambles and it never picks up a whole lot of plot, so it's best for short pieces or character background info. Named for the fanon dive "The Waning Moon's Haven," which has appeared in multiple fandoms and is especially good for crossovers, this is the source for about 70-90% of my fics that actually get written down, much less published.
- The Filk/Poetry Muse: Thankfully, this one doesn't hit me often, but when it does, I'm stuck with bad poetry in my head for days. It sounds good when you first speak it to yourself... and then you're bogged down by trying to find rhymes to Hurin that fit into the beat of "The Lees of Old Virginia." Anybody there?
- The Chorus Muse: Perhaps a more generalized type of Mooning muse, this one will give me a long soliliquy from an unnamed character with no action or basic background. It can be a bit of an annoyance, but with thorough editing, sometimes these make my best fics, since they at least describe a plot.
- Flamette Muse: Other than possibly off of my freewebs old sue site, I won't publish these. They're too Sueish (and often just too twisted) for words. If I find myself writing threesomes or incest, I shouldn't blind you as well as my canon nazi. The person behind muse exists, for better or worse. Her character is forever being raped by fandom baddies and yet inspiring them to turn to lust, if not the light side. She isn't too bad at role-playing anymore, at least, now that she's gotten the requisite angst out of her system. These fics are my way of lancing off the worst of my OFC's sueish traits.
- The Smut Muse: It's not just for smut anymore! It's the two-character dialouge version of the Chorus Muse: lots of dialouge with little to no physical description or inner thought process. As I like my smut. Otherwise, the details are sketched in in a later draft.
-The Action Muse: If you find him, please send him home. Mamma hasn't heard from him in years.