Apr 22, 2006 16:59
This weekend: well the first part.
on Saturday there was a Nazi rally that just ended I think. on friday I saw that some consciences person had chalked "all it takes for evil to triumph (swastikas) is for good to be silent Rally against hate sat 2-4 capitol" someone was so offended, just by the site of swastikas even used in this context offended, her so much that she called police. and then she erased the entire message. Not just the offensive swastikas but the entire warning about the nazi demonstration. and she used bottle water an entire case. I asked her if she needed to use bottle water because she used an entire case and threw out each bottle. she said that she couldn't waste time to go and get a bucket. her primary concern was to remove the chalk. what a bitch! she asked me if I realized how offensive it was. how offensive is it to remove a warning about the demonstration. unfortunately I had Red Cedar river cleanup so I couldn't attend to counter protest or attend the East Lansing Diversity festival. it's Earth Day. fuck those nazis. later on friday I attended Relay for Life. it was fun. hung around for a while, at midnight there was a drag show where you donated money to the best drag queen. the APO team member shaved his legs, but I left before I found out the winner. so today I went to river cleanup. I fell in. I was in waiders which had a problem where the boot met the waider part. they were painful to walk in. I was crossing the river and slipped got water all overme. I had to turn back and it was a painful walk. my phone got wet and doesn't turn on :( but I dried off and picked up a lot of trash. its so sad. we found a carpet. that pisses me off. afterarwd there was an event called Earth Cafe. we ate somewhat localy produced food and discused food. we watched "What will We Eat?" a localy produced documentary about sustainable food. MSU sucks when it comes to food. they forced the event to be catered by them. they forbid pot lucks or student made food at official events. but I enjoyed the way we ate. we talked then got more food then switched tables. now i'm on a break until Dinner the an APO event then Activation is Tommarow. too much stuff is going on today. well not now it all happened earlier.