Jan 01, 2006 20:30
I don't know how to do that hidden jouanl link thing so...
(x) stayed single the whole year (depending on your definition)
() got your first kiss
(x) kissed someone new
() made-out for the first time
() made-out in/on a car
() kissed in the snow
() kissed in the rain
() fell in love (almost)
() fell in love with a fool
() had your heart broken
() broke someone else's heart
() had a stalker
() had a good relationship with someone
() questioned your sexual orientation (I'm asexual ... I think?)
() came out of the closet
() gotten pregnant
() gotten someone else pregnant
() had an abortion
() gotten married
() had a divorce
() had a gay marriage
() kissed someone of the same sex
() dated someone you'll never forget
() done something you've regretted
() lost your true love
(x) lost faith in love-(did I ever have any?)
() then got it back
() kissed under mistletoe
() got a promotion
() got a pay raise
() changed jobs
() lost your job
() quit your job
() dated a co-worker
() dated your boss
() dated your boss' daughter/son
() got fired from your job
() got straight A's (first time in High School :)
(x) met one teacher you really like
(x) met one teacher you really hated
(x) found the subject you love
() failed a class
() skipped school
() got into a fight with a classmate
() did something you were proud of
() discovered a new talent
() gave the teachers a reason to teach
(x) proved yourself an idiot
(x) embarrassed yourself in front of the class
() fell in love with a teacher
() got a lead in the school play
() made a varsity team
() made a junior varsity team
(x) were involved in something you'll never forget
() got sent to the office
() painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem
(x) ran a mile
() listened to music you couldn't stand
() double-dipped
() skinny-dipped
(x) went to a sleepover
(x) went to camp
() threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
() laughed till you peed in your pants
() flirted shamelessly
(x) visited a foreign country-(yay Canada)
(x) visited a foreign state
() cooked a disastrous meal
() lost something important to you
() got a gift you adore
() realized something new about yourself
() went on a diet
(x) tried to gain weight
() dyed your hair
() came close to losing your life
() someone close to you died
(x) went to a party
(x) drank alcohol
(x) drank alcohol underage (not ecessively)
() tried drugs
() are possibly lying
() got drunk
() got arrested/got someone arrested
(x) read a great book
(x) saw a great movie
() saw a movie so scary that it made you cry
() saw your favorite band/artist live
() saw someone famous in person
(x) did something you want to tell everyone
() Enjoyed this year overall
best _____ of the year:
1. party: I don't go to many. Ben's Basment
2. show: simpsons, 24, (I had no cable)
3. cd:don't really listen to them
4. movie: GOF
5. song: don't really listen to music
6. experience: actually just being outside, away from home
7. concert: don't go
8. book: so many
9. month:
10. day:
worst ____ of the year:
1. party: any socilization is good
2. show: any reality show
3. cd:
4. movie: I can't rember any of the bads ones I saw.
5. song:
6. experience:Getting dumped without ever even going out
7. concert:
8. book: I only read books that other people recomend and if they suck I don't finish them
9. month:
10. day:
hopes for 2006:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2006?: I will eat a salad
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: The whole oil based suburbia. it will take a long time for this to change though
3. what do you hope for yourself?: not to die. to find someone I love and who Loves me and to express this to each other (more of a its not going to happen but I can hope anyway kinda hope)
4. what do you hope for your family?: they recieve extensive profesional help
5. what do you hope for your best friend?: I have one and I stay friends with them.
during 2005:
1. where were you when it began?: Ben's basement
2. did you stay up?: yeah
3. what was your new year resolution: not to die
4. how many boy/girlfriends?:
5. broke up?:
6. have any crushes?: many
7. care to mention names?: no
8. new friends?: almost everyone at State
9. had to say goodbye?: yes
10. missed anyone?: all my firends who anr't at State with me
11. win anything?: no
12. best place you went to?: Sanford Natural Area
13. worst place you went to?: Home, a distanst second is Virginia during the heat wave (I was camping that week)
14. happiest moment?: can't decide.
15. how was your birthday?: went out for ice cream. I didn't spent it alone!
16. best present?: Simon and Garfunkle cds.