Apr 11, 2006 19:21
Sometime back in the fifties and sixties, major research began into the effects of mind altering chemicals upon the psyche of the human brain.
Some of the more notorious of those involved subjecting unknowing US military personnel to high dosages of LSD in order to try and develop 'super soldiers'. It was a catastrophic failure.
What was born from it, was a movement of some of the intellectuals involved, who began applying different conditions for these experiments, in learning environments for instance.
One such experiment involved a volunteer ingesting a calculated amount of LSD and then spending a 24 hour period in isolation with a 'teach yourself spanish' course and no other stimuli.
The proclaimed result was that the woman who took part, had learned to conversational level a language which takes months, even years to master.
And so opened up the process of humanity awakening itself to a higher state of being, a new understanding of consciousness, or as some put it, accessing the higher brain circuits.
One of the major factors in this process, is the time of realisation coming upon a person, from the first moments of understanding, through to the current thinking of the mind.
This is a time which is called the Dark Moor. A crossover between the mundane view of unknowing existence and the enlightened awareness of the universe at large.
In this time, the mind is plagued by self-doubt, skepticism, fear... Fear that what is heppening is perhaps untrue, that it is insanity. Doubting ones own convictions as the walls of the known reality paradigm are stripped away, leaving only the bare truths to face, knowing that a return to ignorance is impossible.
The Moor is an eternal and desolate place for some, who may never find a guide to help them see a way through the madness. This is why information which is accurate and ideas which are reasonable are so important, as is the means to disseminate them, such as the internet, with its being the tool most available to communicate with younger generations.
When these places of educational worth are swamped by the fictitious mythos and self-serving agendas, they lose their effectiveness and bring a shroud of ignorance upon us all.
This is why it is important for those that can, to come forth and offer that guidance freely, without thought for a return of favour or payment.
And the Moor is not a place that we can ever truly escape from. Often we can find ourselves drifting back into that realm of uncertainty, seeking reaffirmation of ourselves from our peers, our friends, our loved ones. And so we must appreciate all the more those that offer that shoulder of support out of nothing more than the caring in their heart.