May 26, 2005 22:15

Hola, it's been a while.

American Idol finals were tonight. The whole show was soooo good! But jeeeeeeez I can't believe Carrie won, I really wanted Bo to win, but whatever. There are bigger things in life to worry about.

Junior prom was SOOOOOO much fun!!! I wanna do it all again!!! Pictures very soon.

My new job at Margie's is nice. I work with cool people, and hosting is fairly easy. Although I do have to deal with relatively cranky people sometimes. But I have fallen in love with quesadillas. Mmmm...

SAT scores came back. I still haven't looked at mine in fear that it will verify my retartedness. AHH I'm scared. Oh well my mom is making me take a prep course this summer. Funnn.

School sucks. I suck at it. Why do I even try? Oh right, I don't. I absolutely despise it. C'mon, summer. Hurry.

My Livejournal is kind of pointless me lately. I was gunna make mine friends only, but really, what's the point of that? Here I am posting crap on the internet, is that lame? Cause it seems like it. Guess that makes us all lame. I do like reading them, though.

I miss my Peacocks. A lot!!!<333333 Beauty this weekend.

That's all for now...I am off to bed. <3
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