Hmmm.... There has to be a way to tie them together. Danger Bill is the hero, Power Bastard is the villain, in some kind of platform/shooter side-scroller?
Of course, this does mean that one of us needs to actually DESIGN Power Bastard! In my own mind, I picture him as a Lucha wrestler, for no other reason than I find Lucha wrestlers to have massive comic potential.
Perhaps Power Bastard could be a rotund ginger afro-like lucha wrestler :D
I have a feeling i may go for a slightly different approach with the Bill sprite. The whole worm in a bionic suit thing has been done unfortunately. But i do not believe i have seen the 'worm-attached-to-various-death- dealing-machines-of-deathly-death' !! plus it'll give me scope to pretty much stick any random thing onto him with minimal effort! Kinda like some Robotnik-megaman-boss type hybrid.
Interesting you should mention Metal Slug. I thought I was picturing Gunstar Heroes, but now I think about it I was also thinking more along the lines of Metal Slug! And, yes, I am also aware that the existence of Strong Bad is a potential issue. Pretty much the same kind of problem we might face if Team 17 take a look at the current incarnation of Bill, though. Let's face it, though. There are only so many ways to draw a worm, and one Lucha looks pretty much like any other. So, copyright issues are a bridge to cross later on. First, we need an actual game!
Original music would be extremely cool. My space collection game basically used Megablast, a lá Xenon 2. It is just about the coolest game tune of all time, and I just had to have it in my game!
Of course, this does mean that one of us needs to actually DESIGN Power Bastard! In my own mind, I picture him as a Lucha wrestler, for no other reason than I find Lucha wrestlers to have massive comic potential.
I have a feeling i may go for a slightly different approach with the Bill sprite. The whole worm in a bionic suit thing has been done unfortunately. But i do not believe i have seen the 'worm-attached-to-various-death- dealing-machines-of-deathly-death' !! plus it'll give me scope to pretty much stick any random thing onto him with minimal effort! Kinda like some Robotnik-megaman-boss type hybrid.
Should make it easier at any rate.
A Metal Slug-esque shooter featuring a worm and a wrestler would be sweet. And if you need music, I can knock something up. Concerto de Power Bastard!
Original music would be extremely cool. My space collection game basically used Megablast, a lá Xenon 2. It is just about the coolest game tune of all time, and I just had to have it in my game!
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